Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Kids

The original eight...
I have six kids. Yes, that’s a lot,
But a love for kids is what I’ve got,
I’ve welcomed each with open heart,
‘Cause every one’s a work of art!

There’s Mark, the eldest by a hair,
My blondie boy with brown-eyed stare,
With lively mind and crooked grin,
Hatching plots nefarious and grim.

My streamlined Erik’s next in line,
My soldier/cop with steely spine,
Who, daily, faces down the foe,
Then hurries home to bake or sew.

My Duff is third, my little prince,
Of his love, I am convinced,
E’en though he brought (I did not grouse),
A boa constrictor in my house.

Fourth child, first girl was Caitlin, dear.
My dreamer when she first appeared,
She lives to read; by fiction, stirred.
Is ‘lackadaisical’ her word?

Tiana’s next, our busy girl,
She gives hurricanes a whirl,
Just shake her up and let her fizz.
Like seltzer in a bottle  . . . is.

Then Tristan, last of all my joys,
My other classic brown-eyed boy.
Young AGM of his hotel,
An acting job that he does well.

There you have it, that’s the group,
Others have pointed at my troop.
“You’ve too many!” ‘S the concern,
I wonder which ones I’d return . . .?

Each week, Delores of  Under the Porch Light gives her followers a challenge: 
Use these words! Or else! Well, she couches it in the form of a request . . .
This week's words?
What else could I do but describe my kids?


  1. Next poem will be about their spouses, yes?

  2. You wouldn't return a single one of them and you know this...lots of fun.

  3. I love your poem of your kids! You are amazing Angel lady!

  4. Some of your kids' names are downright whimsical! Love.

    1. That's my Husby's fine hand you see there. P.S. You should see the names that didn't make the cut! :)

  5. Great poem about your kids! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great poem! Families are the best! I too have dealt with stares and comments from others regarding our family of 6 kids. I wouldn't have it any other way. I just smile and tell them how blessed we are. Every day's a party I say!!
    Side note: My husband's parents had 15 {two set of twins just like the Duggars. My parents had 8 -- loved kids so much they adopted 3 of those 8. When they had only 6 at the time....they owned a goat farm. One Pioneer Day Parade they loaded up 6 baby goats {kids} plus their own 6 kids. Put us all on the back of their pick up truck -- rigged to be a comfortable and decorated float with a huge sign on each side of truck that read "Cheaper by the Dozen". Wasn't years later I figured out why everyone was laughing and smiling and pointing all along the parade route. lol

    1. I would have loved to see that float loaded with kids! Sooo cute!

  7. A fine-looking bunch, as my dad would say :) Great use of words!

    1. My parents had six as well. My dad always wanted seven: one and a half dozen . . .

    2. One and a half dozen - hahaha! Now THAT would be a full house!

  8. The matching pyjamas, a sea of red and black stripes, has my eyes spinning.
    They're a handsome bunch.
    Love the poem, that's a good use of Delores' words.
    I used to want six kids, but stopped at four which is just as well, there were only six dining chairs around the table.

    1. Bwahahaha! That's the best reason of all! :) I actually wanted my own ball team. Nine. But we stopped at six . . . because . . .


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