Friday, April 18, 2014

A Little Cleaner

Mark. In cleaner times.
Family reunions.
The renewing of ties.
An opportunity to get re-acquainted.
Catch up on family accomplishments.
Nestle once more in the warm embrace of kin.
Our eldest son Mark's first reunion occurred when he was eighteen months old.
He was getting around under his own steam very well.
And this outdoor wiener roast/party was a perfect time for him to practice his skills.
For several hours, he wandered around the site.
Getting filthy.
All the things that make a little boy so very happy.
He played with the host family's spaniel, Frodo.
Gorged on hot dogs.
Sampled all of the pot luck dishes.
Spit out the baked beans (another story).
Slurped up watermelon.
And laid sole claim to the marshmallows.
He was a happy, filthy little boy.
He toddled over to me, all smiles and dirt.
I dusted him off for the hundredth time and set him on my knee.
Only to discover that his fingers were stuck together.
I think it was the marshmallows.
Might have been helped along by the watermelon.
I'm sure there was at least one form of chocolate.
But those little, busy fingers were all fused together.
And Mark was happily making his rounds using paddles.
Or flippers.
I will admit they were still effective.
He was managing to accomplish a fair bit of eating and playing.
But I thought that, as a concerned mom, I should probably do something.
I went for a wipe.
But I hadn't counted on his ingenuity.
While I was digging through the diaper bag, he went for the nearest water source.
Frodo's bowl.
I wish I could say that this was shortly after the bowl had been filled.
And was still pristine and untouched by anything 'canine'.
I can't.
By the time I had returned with the antiseptically clean towelette, he had already taken care of business.
In the decidedly unhygienic dog bowl.
And was back on his rounds, little fingers freed for business.
He was happy.
And Frodo loved the watermelon/marshmallow/chocolate/hot dog flavoured water. So he was happy.
In fact, everyone was happy.
Except me.


  1. Majority rules! I can just see the little guy, happily getting washed up in the little-boy-size wash basin :)

  2. Too cute and what a great memory of fun!

  3. Hahaha! This sounds like something my youngest did when he was a toddler. Boy, I don't miss dealing with the gross stuff!

  4. Oh I am happy now too you made me smile:) B

  5. Brilliant. Listen, Mom, you weren't fast enough and a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.

  6. Don't sweat the small stuff mama...he survived it.

    1. He did! And now he's fishing his little ones out of similar predicaments! Full circle. It's so sweet!

  7. since my grandson is 14 months....I could just envision the same thing happening...cute story!

  8. Kids! It really is a wonder they make it to adulthood.

  9. I love stories of little boys!!! (and girls) You brought me right back to my own kids toddler days, when every day was filled with moments of awe and moments that made me want to gag!! Lol! Thanks for a great post!

    1. Awe and gagginess. Yep, that pretty much describes toddler-hood!

  10. What a wonderful summertime memory. And yes, both the dog and the boy were happy so nothing else was needed! Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Happiness and contentment. Why do they so often go with dirt? :)

  11. Great times had by all, esp. this little guy. And he didn't throw up after all that great stuff? Even better.

  12. He survived the experience and is probably a lot stronger for it!

    Happy Easter to you and yours.

    1. Survival IS the most important! :) And thank you, Robyn! Happy Easter to you as well!

  13. Dabbling in the dog water just strengthens the immune system, much the same way as getting grubby does. He sounds like he was a perfectly delightful child.

    1. He grew up strong and healthy. I guess a little dog water with your dirt now and then only improves the constitution! :)

    2. My brother used to share his food with our dog, they'd take turns licking the ice cream, biting the sandwich. R was never sick a day in his life.

  14. The first child you panic and think mayge ER.
    The second child younshake your head and clean them up.
    The third child you sit back and think Yes! Two birds with one stone!
    Happy Easter Diane!


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