Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pill Ills

Does this look delicious to you? Yeah, me either . . .
My Mom had a magic cupboard in her bathroom.
It was full of wonderful little bottles.
Intriguing little bottles with funny shapes and beautiful colours.
And with all sorts of interesting contents.
Most of them defied my little three-year-old fingers.
But one twisted off easily.
Disclosing little, white pills.
Okay they didn't taste very good, but they were little.
And melted on my tongue in a fun way.
I had another.
And another.
This was fun!
Mom came in just as I was finishing the bottle.
For some reason, she got quite upset.
She grabbed me and ran to the phone.
For a few seconds, she chattered excitedly.
Then she carried me to the kitchen and set me on the cupboard and hugged me tight.
I didn’t know what I had done that had gotten her so excited, but this was living!
Or not . . .
A few minutes later, a man came into the house carrying a black bag.
He put a tube down my throat.
And Mom let him!
And traumatic.
I cried.
For several minutes, the two of them fought to keep the tube where they wanted it.
With minimal/non-existent results.
Finally, Mom stuck her fingers down my throat and made me gag.
And I lost all of my wonderful little pills.
Um. Ick.
The doctor packed away his horrible tube and left.
I wasn't sad to see him go.
Mom cuddled me for most of the afternoon.
A few days later, I was again exploring Mom's treasure cupboard.
Well, look at that.
A new bottle of my little pills.
I wonder if they will taste any better.
Mom came in a bit earlier this time, but I had still ingested over half of the bottle.
She didn't bother calling the doctor, just used her patented new method to make me bring the pills back up.
This time, I got a scolding.
Moms can be so inconsistent.


  1. didn't learn much from that experience did you?

  2. Oh, dear. I didn't discover my parents' fun med cabinet until my teens... LOL

  3. Wow. I am in awe of the fact that you survived long enough to have kids of your own! Yikes!

    Did any of us kids do that?

  4. Oh. My.

    You were a fearless little thing, weren't you? I typed fearsome at first by mistake, then changed it. Maybe fearsome was also correct :)

    I'm glad your mama caught you - both times.

    1. By that second time, she was probably questioning whether she should even bother if there was a third . . .

  5. My children are three years apart and one afternoon my three month old daughter (at the time) was coughing. My son remember the great tasting cherry children's Tylenol and decided to "make her better". He gave a little bit to her and decided since it was so good he would just drink the rest by himself! He ended up having to drink charcoal in the ER to bring it all back up! Luckily he didn't give much to the baby! Scared me to death and although this was '92 I still don't know how he got that lid off! I also did the same thing with baby aspirin when I was a child, boy did they taste good! More memories! Thanks Diane!

    1. I see a doctor somewhere in that boy's future. Seeing one or being one is the next question . . .
      Yeah. This was in the days before yummy-tasting children's aspirin. Heaven only knows how many bottles of yummy stuff I'd have gone through! :)

  6. Why didn't your mom change the place for the magic bottle. I would have also downed the orange flavored children's aspirins, if I had been younger.

  7. I'm thinking the scolding should have come after the first ingestion! and the pills moved to a better hiding place.
    My older sister once found and ate an entire box of chocolate laxettes.

    1. Makes total sense. Maybe she was trying to get rid of me? :)
      Yikes! Chocolate laxettes? One can only imagine . . .

  8. I think all that cuddling the first time around may have made the wrong impression, good thing your mom made it clear the second time.
    I have a cousin who once drank perfume. I don't think he liked that tube very much either.


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