Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Birds and the Bees and the Cows and the Rabbits . . .

Oh, the things you learn from the top rail...
It’s spring.
The time of new growth.
And baby animals.
Farm kids are exposed to the mating habits of animals early in life.
They just don’t always understand what they are seeing . . .
I was sitting on the top rail of the corral fence with my Dad.
Some cows, and a few bulls, just brought in from the nether pastures, were milling about below us.
Suddenly, one bull reared up.
Right onto the rear quarters of a cow.
I stared at them.
The bull slid down.
And another took his place.
Really weird.
After three or four re-enactments of the same scenario, I turned to my dad.
“Daddy.” Indicating the bull. “What is that cow doing?”
Where did you think they came from?
Dad got a bit red-faced.
This was the fifties. Sex hadn’t been invented yet.
“Erm. Well . . . he’s resting his feet.”
“Oh.” Yeah. I was fairly easy to fob off in those days.
Today’s kids are also educated.
At least as well.
Case in point . . .
My friend raised rabbits.
Beautiful, lop-eared, gentle, soft, furry rabbits.
And by raised, I mean hutches in the back yard, carefully and successfully monitored.
With the help – or at least close scrutiny - of her children.
Babies (kittens or kits) came with amazing regularity.
These are rabbits we’re talking about, after all.
One day, a school friend asked the daughter where the baby rabbits come from.
“From the mommy,” she said, knowledgeably.
“Oh,” said the friend. “How does that happen?”
“Well,” the daughter said, “The daddy rabbit gets on the mommy rabbit and shakes her!”
We've come so far.
What can I say but CUTE!


  1. That is hilarious! Kids today know so much more than we did at their age !

  2. So funny, the whole time I was reading this I was thinking of the TV show about the family with 19 kids and thinking "well, that dad sure has well rested feet!"

    1. Okay, I'm telling that one to my dad. He'll love it! :)

  3. And here I thought farm kids would be told all the details at a very early age, just because they WOULD see it all ... hmm ...

    "sex hadn't been invented yet" --- it's true :)

    1. Nope. They only SAW the details. The facts came later.

  4. Oh gosh that was quite a post. I do think we are sometimes still in the 50's with the birds and bee stories.
    Blessings for the smile!

  5. Let me see if I've got this right. The daddy rabbit shakes the mummy rabbit and all the babies just fall out of her pockets? gosh that's handy...


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