Friday, May 2, 2014

Thirty-Eight Years

Kids . . .
It's been thirty-eight years since my Husby and I said "I do."
It was eight o'clock in the morning when we exchanged our vows.
The first hot, sunny day of the year.
I forgot his ring.
And tossed the bouquet so high that it hit the ceiling and dropped directly behind me.
But it was there that the adventure started.
Maybe I should explain . . .
My Husby and his brother-in-law (hereinafter known as BIL) worked as civilian guards for the RCMP.
A job that entailed long nights spent watching the prisoners.
And visiting with the 'on shift' RCMP officers.
They became friends.
The guards and the officers.
Not the prisoners.
I thought I should point that out.
Ahem . . .
When my new Husby and I were set to leave on our honeymoon, we were very careful to leave a get-away vehicle safely hidden.
In the next town.
Let's face it, with this BIL, getting away was not only difficult. It was very nearly impossible.
He had been known to fill honeymooners vehicles with balloons or crumpled newspaper. Saran-wrap them shut. Apply Vaseline to each and every surface. Stick Oreo cookies to every window. Wrap them in toilet paper.
He had a fund of new and clever ideas.
But new Husby was crafty.
He and a trusted friend had gone days before and stashed the get-away vehicle in a garage of a friend of a friend of a  friend.
No one was finding it.
Oddly enough, his BIL asked only one thing. "In what direction are you headed?"
Husby told him. "North."
He merely smiled and nodded.
Okay, yes. It seemed too easy.
Our friend sneaked us out of the reception and into his car.
Then he took us to our truck.
It was undamaged.
We piled in and started out.
Just as we were about to turn onto the main highway to Calgary, Husby stopped.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"It's too easy," he replied.
I stared at him.
"Too easy," he repeated. He put the truck into gear and turned it around.
"Umm . . . so . . . what are we going to do?" I asked. I mean, going back to my parents' was sort of out of the question . . .
"We're still going to Calgary," Husby said. "But we're going by a different route!"
And we did. We followed every secondary, gravel and/or dirt road all the way from Fort Macleod to the great metropolis.
It took a bit longer.
But we arrived safely.
We checked into our hotel.
Stayed there for a couple of days.
Then headed out on our real honeymoon.
We were gone two weeks.
Two wonderful, enjoyable, surprising, educational weeks.
When we arrived back home, we were met by the BIL, who welcomed us home warmly.
And with a wide grin.
Husby could stand it no longer. "What did you do?" he demanded.
The grin widened. "I had the boys put an APB out on your vehicle," he said.
"You . . . what?"
"Yeah. They put an APB out on your vehicle. I'm amazed they didn't pick you up!"
An APB is an 'All Points Bulletin' which alerts every police station - and I do mean EVERY - that such-and-such a vehicle is wanted. If spotted, approach, detain and apprehend.
I mean, the police in other areas didn't know why our vehicle had been flagged. They only knew it had been.
The results may have been disastrous.
I still shiver.
And glare at the BIL.
Thirty-eight years later.

P.S. Husby surprised me with an Alaskan cruise for our anniversary!
Internet connections are few and far between.
I'll check in when I can.
And give you the full report when we get home!
Wish us luck!


  1. Congratulations!! And have FUN on your cruise.

  2. Happy Anniversary. Sounds like your life together started as an adventure, so an Alaskan Cruise would be a perfect adventure to celebrate. Have a great time. Can't wait to hear about it.

  3. Congratulations and many more :)

  4. Aw that's so sweet! What a great story but what an awesome trip! I only have Alaska and Hawaii left and a cruise would be terrific! Have fun and take lots and lots of pictures! I'm only 15 behind you!

    1. I'm still dreaming of Hawaii! Maybe at our seventy-sixth . . .

  5. 38 years, huh? It's supposed to be a game of skill, not endurance. Happy Anniversary just the same. May there be many, many more...

  6. Happy Happy Anniversary to you both!!! So awesome.

  7. Congratulations and best wishes - 38 years - you're doing something right :) And this is a great story!

  8. Happy Anniversary!! Congratulations on 38 years! :)
    APB? He's a sneaky one, lucky you weren't picked up.

    1. Thanks, River!
      Oh, I tell you . . . I think of what could have happened . . . and shiver . . .

  9. What fun memories! I wish you many more years of adventure.

  10. What a great story! Have fun on your trip.

  11. What a very fun Honeymoon story. I know you will enjoy the moments on the fun trip your husband planned.
    I am off blogging vacation and am back enjoying your stories.

  12. That was funny to read but I'm very glad you weren't apprehended and detained! Not a good way to start married life.

  13. Happy 38 years! BIL--is he still around? Has he done this to other people recently?
    My husband fainted at our wedding. But all was well.

    1. Fainted???!!! Oh, my!
      Yes, BIL is still around. For better. Or worse . . .

  14. Happy Anniversary! OMH I can't WAIT to hear how your trip went!!!


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