Sunday, June 8, 2014

When Moms Get It Wrong

Two sweet faces
Occasionally, Moms make mistakes.
I just want to get that out there.
They do.
Not often.
But occasionally.
Moms are busy. Usually keeping at least three balls in the air at any given moment.
It's totally understandable . . .
My younger brother, Blair was playing in the front room.
Because he was always quiet.
Our baby sister, Anita, was playing nearby.
Less quietly.
Because she . . . never mind.
She had disdained her basket full of colourful toys and was climbing up on the coffee table and sliding off.
This had been entertaining her for several minutes.
Then, she mis-calculated. Slid off a little too quickly and bumped something important.
Tears ensued. Bringing Mom in a hurry from the kitchen.
She picked her sobbing daughter up from the floor where she lay in a crumpled, miserable heap.
“Blair! What did you do?!”
Blair looked up from the book he was reading, his mouth a perfect 'O' of confusion. “Ummm . . .”
He was summarily parked in the 'you've done something terrible' spot.
The piano bench.
Huh. You know I just figured something out. Whenever we did something horrible, we were set on the piano bench to think about our sins. Maybe that's why none of us liked playing the piano.
Just a thought.
Back to my story . . .
Blair blinked and frowned thoughtfully. 
Had he done something? He didn't think so.
He had been quietly reading.
Anita had been playing a few feet away on the coffee table.
“But Mom . . .!”
“Don't you 'but mom' me! You stay there and think about what you did!”
Mom marched back out to the kitchen.
Leaving a very confused little boy sitting on the piano bench in the front room.
Anita, tears forgotten, was back crawling onto the coffee table.
Yep. Moms make mistakes.
Fortunately for the future of the world as we know it, it doesn't happen often.


  1. Oh never hurts to sit on the piano bench for a while to think...there is usually SOMETHING we've done wrong at some point that we can reflect on.

  2. This makes me wonder what I've wrongly accused my children of. Thought-provoking, for sure...

  3. Recently my daughter told me that she would intentionally get her older brother into trouble all the time. My poor son I'm gonna have to do something nice for him because he spent ALOT of time in trouble!

  4. I'm curious how and when this came to light! Did your mom find out, or are you taking Blair's word for it :) hee hee

  5. Our daughter had 4 brothers and she loved to get them in trouble. Must be a girl thing!

  6. I recall more than once when this mom got it wrong. My son still occasionally reminds me of it but my revenge-reminding him dad will get it wrong sometimes with his daughter and like him she will be just fine. Thanks for sharing


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