Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Piece of Real Estate

It's done.
Following several thousand man-hours of sorting, packing, hauling, mistakes, searching, finding, more packing, more hauling, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, Daddy is safely installed in his new home.
It was not an easy decision to make.
He loved his condo.
And his independence.
But though he remains clear mentally, his once-robust physical self grows steadily weaker and more frail.
He's better off in a place where his meals are provided and help is always very nearby.
It's bittersweet.
We know he will be cared for.
But the memories of what used to be crowd close.
Bringing tears.
Life on the ranch was an adventure.
Every day a blur of what needed to be done and what happened while doing it.
From this...
... to this.
But there's a saying: Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened!
Life isn't over.
Here's to new adventures.
I love you, Daddy!


  1. Nothing ever just continues on a different path. Every perceived ending is a new beginning.

    1. ps...a little concerned that the package I mailed you hasn't arrived yet. Do I need to drop in to the post office to see what is going on?

    2. Gaahhh! It came! I'm so sorry! With living on the road between here and Daddy's, I completely forgot to tell you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've been using the notepapers. The pad sits right beside my computer. And I've already used one of the little (perfect for a writer) cards! What a great prize! I'm thrilled to have won! Thank you again!

    3. Oh good...Canada Post has been a little less than reliable lately so I was concerned.

    4. I feel like such a worm not to acknowledge such a fun prize! Wait. I'll go up on the roof and holler! :)

  2. It's always hard to leave a place where good memories happened. But we can take the memories with us, and we can make new ones wherever we go. Speaking from the experience of seeing the residents at my father's nursing home, there's lots of life in them thar so-called "old folks"!

    1. Exactly. The memories are the one thing we take! I've already seen the life in those sweet people. Especially the little ladies that have started dropping by to say hello! :)

  3. Such a hard transition, but new memories are waiting to be made :)

  4. Hopefully the start of wonderful new adventures. With less time spent on chores, perhaps your Dad will do some guest blogging on your blog... when he is not entertaining new neighbors by playing music!

    1. I'd love for him to guest blog! And you're right. He'll have to take time from his performance schedule! :)

  5. I know how hard this was for you Diane but you made the perfect decision. I think it will take a whole lot more than a different mailbox to keep Mr Stringam down. There are a lot more memories to make and without the prior worries. Good job my friend, even when there are sad times you still made an excellent decision. I'm here for you just holler!

    1. You don't know how much your support means to me, Rena! Thank you for being there! :)

    2. That's what adoptive families do for each other!!!! haha! Seriously though, you are the toughest woman I know! You and he will both be fine!

  6. I love that saying!
    it must be hard to go from acreage to a single room, I had enough trouble adjusting from a house to a flat.
    At least your Dad downsized to a condo first, so the adjusting was done in stages. And he is much safer now, with carers to watch over him.

    1. Yes, his downsizing was gradual. From ranch to house to duplex to apartment to smaller apartment to seniors' lodge. It made the transition much easier to take. It's this last one that seems so dramatic! :)

  7. It's a big transition for an active senior who has had such a big life. Blessings to him and you.

  8. Oh this is sweet; but also sad. I think these kinds of decisions are so hard. My Aunt was in an assisted living place and it took a while to adjust and then she made some friends and it was awesome. I am sure he will find that true too.
    Blessings to him and to you all!


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