Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Juicing Cows

Okay. Call it what you want . . .
You see them in the fields. Standing. Eating. Wandering about. Staring contentedly at nothing.
They are in the barns. Being milked. Standing. Eating. Wandering about. Staring contentedly at nothing.
They care for little calves. Nursing. Licking. Bellowing. Giving the occasional kick. Ignoring.
You know them as ‘meat’, ‘milk’, ‘cheese’, ‘cream’.
We know them as aggravating, funny, stupid, perverse, blind, ornery and endlessly hungry.
And the reason we get out of bed in the morning.
We’ve called them cows, dogies, critters, some terms unprintable here.
And our bread and butter.
Our family raised Polled Herefords.
A breed known for its gentle disposition.
And beef production.
We also kept one ‘milk’ cow. Usually Holstein.
A breed known for their milk production.
Near the Stringam spread was a herd of Jersey cows.
Also known for their high dairy output.
And gentle disposition.
Dad pointed them out as we drove past. “See. Diane! Those are Jersey cows! They give milk!”
Four-year-old Diane, nose pressed against the car window, “Oooo!”
I will admit that, occasionally, things got turned around in my little girl mind . . .
The next time we drove past that particular field, I pointed excitedly to the quiet animals out grazing. “Ooo! Daddy! Look! It’s those juicy cows!”
I was right.


  1. Huge herds graze Big Sur property and I love watching them when I drive by. So calming.

  2. They are indeed good milk producers...high in fat content...juicy.

  3. Love the way those little minds work. I have so many fun memories of trying to decipher where my kids got certain sayings and trying not to laugh at many of them.

  4. LOL

    Grandpa and Grandma had a farm, and we called them Moo-Cows.


  5. I do love Jerseys (and Guernseys)--such a beautiful fawn colour, and the milk is ultra-rich.

    1. Mmmm . . . after reading these comments, I'm craving something with cream . . .

  6. Hee hee! My husband often calls milk "cow juice". You are not alone. Except he's not four years old. :)

    1. And nowwww I get it - Jersey/juicy - even better!

    2. Moo-juice. Love it! He's my kinda people!

  7. So cute! When he was little, my older son thought brown cows made chocolate milk.

  8. Straight and to the point! You can't beat that!

  9. Are Holsteins the black and white ones? I know about Jerseys, I've been compared to one with each of my babies because of the amount of milk I produced.

    1. Yep. Black and white Holsteins. They are a lot bigger than Jerseys too. But Jerseys make the better, richer milk. You must have been quite the producer! :)

  10. Oh, another fun post to smile at.


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