Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dance With Me!

By request, more Bruce and Clara.
Wherein nothing is explained . . .

Her hair was down.
It was never down. Usually, she kept it scraped tightly back into a rusty, greying bun on the back of her head.
I admit it. I stared.
“It’s you!” She cooed.
Did you know people can coo? Well, they can.
“Umm . . . yes. It’s me. The same person as yester . . .”
“Don’t speak!” Her large, surprisingly statuesque body slipped around the end of her desk. She slid red-tipped nails across its gleaming surface and her fairly prosaic print dress actually swirled provocatively as she floated toward me. “Just . . . be.”
I felt my eyebrows go up. “O-okay.” I glanced around. “Umm . . . be what?”
She laughed. A soft, throaty little burst of sound. “Yourself, darling. Just be yourself.”
“Oh. That. I think I can . . .”
“Don’t talk.”
“But how can I be myself if I can’t . . .”
She placed gentle fingers against my mouth.
“. . . talk?” The word came out justifiably muffled.
“Feel the music, darling.” She was starting to sway.
I frowned. “Music?”
Her arms came out, one wrapping itself about my shoulders, the other reaching for my wrist. For several seconds, we swayed to some music that only she could hear. I could feel the heat of her plump arm where it touched my back. Her hand felt slightly moist on the skin just above my hand.
“Oh, this is it, darling!” she whispered.
Just then, showing more moves than a mime and catching me completely unawares, she sent me into a dramatic dip.
I admit it. I screamed.
Chuckling, she set me on the floor and stepped across me, heading back toward her desk. “Bring me something exciting today, Bruce?”
“Umm . . .” I thought about that one. “Well . . .”
She picked up the package I had dropped when she grabbed me. “Oooh! I’ve been waiting for this one for a long time!”
I laid my head back against the cool granite tiles and thought seriously about asking for a transfer. Then I lifted the hand still carrying my clipboard. “Don’t forget to sign . . .”

The challenge has been issued.
And accepted.
This week, Delores of Under the Porch Light gave us a choice of 'word-isms' to solve.
Sneaky, sneaky, Delores.
I chose the phrase 'more moves than a mime'.
Oh, this is fun!
Dance on over and see what her other followers have created.
Or, better yet, join us!


  1. That poor delivery man....he never knows what to expect.

    1. I think he secretly enjoys it. The challenge. The randomness. The . . . the . . . okay, maybe not.

  2. It's SuperDiane - using her Powers of Description for good!! I could picture every second. And while Clara kinda gives me the willies, I loved how you described Bruce's reaction. This is not only well-written but outright funny, a combination I fall for every time :)

  3. Talk about capturing my imagination! So vivid, Diane!

    1. Thank you, Carol. Between you and me, whacko receptionists just set my imagination going! :)

  4. I love this Diane! I agree with all your other comments that you've painted a VERY vivid photo in my mind. And so passionate and ALVE (just like my recent post encourages!) Thank you for a pleasant surprise. ~Kathy

    1. And thank you, Kathy! Isn't it amazing how the people you create become so real to you?! I love finding out what Bruce will be surprised with by the captivating and off-the-wall antics of Clara!

  5. This one was fun and you used the words so expertly.
    Blessings for the short story~

  6. Clara keeps Bruce on his toes in more ways than one!
    This one put a smile on my face, thank you.

  7. This is so excellent! Perfect last line.

    1. From you that is a real compliment, Linda! Thank you! :)

  8. He never knew what hit him! Great job Diane!

    1. Thank you so much, Rena! Ordering anything . . .? Maybe Bruce can bring it! :)

  9. A Bruce and Clara sequel - I love it!! I wonder what will happen with the next delivery?? I hope Delores provides some good words!


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