Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Teaching the Boys

We have four sons.
From the time they were born, my Husby taught them to honour women.
His approximate words?
“In the creation process, Heavenly Father made the earth and everything on it. With each day, the things He made were more and more beautiful. His final, greatest creation? Woman. How are you going to treat God's greatest creation?”
He also told them that their Father would find someone very special for them to marry.
But they had to pray for her now.
All of them took his teachings to heart.
They treat women – all women - with a kindness and respect that is, unfortunately, seldom seen in the modern world.
Even as small boys, they were gentlemen.
And they did pray.
When our third son, Duff, was eight, his Sunday School teacher asked her class of seven boys if they prayed.
Each of them nodded.
She handed out pieces of paper and pencils.
“I want you to write down the things that you pray for,” she said.
Dutifully, the boys took their pieces of paper and began to make a list.
When they had finished, their teacher gathered them up and glanced through them.
I should probably note here that the first Nintendo play system was just new.
And wonderful.
And greatly sought after.
Certainly by the small boys in this class.
Back to my story . . .
At the head of every list, each of them had carefully recorded, 'Nintendo'.
Except for one.
At the top of one little eight-year-old boy's list was, 'wife'.
Our son's.
His teacher stared at it.
Then she looked at Duff.
“You're praying for a wife?” she asked, somewhat sceptically.
“Dad told us if we started praying now, we would get someone special,” Duff told her. “Like he did.”
With tears in her eyes, the teacher told us the story.
And brought tears to mine.
I had heard my Husby teaching our children.
But it was at that moment that I realized just what he was teaching them.
And that they were learning it.


  1. There's a lot of merit to that. Only I think that sometimes our Father gets a little specific. I prayed for a wife, and I got one--who obviously WASN'T praying for a husband like me. So, some years later, I had to go back to the prayer pool and ask for someone who would make me HAPPY. And that prayer was answered too.

    1. Awesome George. It's a testament to what my mother always told me......"be specific and careful what you pray for". :)

  2. I'm with George...the next time I ask for something that important I'm going to be more specific.

  3. Replies
    1. Sorry about that,Karen! Well, kinda sorry. It sure brought tears to mine!

  4. This is a wonderful story that warms my heart. My sons were also taught to respect women, by me, not their dad. My older daughter married a man who was taught to respect women, they have wonderful children.

    1. Well done! And so happy for your daughter! Those wonderful men are out there. They just have to be found!

  5. What a beautiful story and it says so much about who you and your husband are. My hubby has taught our boys the same thing - I think our men would get along very well!

  6. Beautiful! Loved this story. What a treasure.

    1. Thanks so much, Lynn! So happy when you can visit!

    2. Oh I visit all the time.....be assured. :) Just too tired or in pain to comment somedays. Sorry about that. I am back in wheelchair again. Had another surgery. Glad to have another one done and under my belt. Maybe another one next year too.

    3. Oh, Lynn, I'm so sorry! Your accident just seems to go on an on, doesn't it! Praying for you!

    4. Thank you. I truly appreciate that.

  7. Funny how that happens, isnt it? Too bad more parents don't take the time to teach this way....

  8. Lovely...what a wonderful lesson for sons. And I'm sure their prayers were answered.


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