Monday, April 27, 2015

A Gopher Tail

Nature boy.
It was 1934 and the Stringams had a gopher problem.
For any of you who have lived on or near a farm/ranch, you know that gophers cause no end of troubles. They dig burrows that can and do break the legs of horses and cattle. They eat grain intended for the livestock. They make little gophers, who then become big gophers who, in turn, add to the all-of-the-above-mentioned problems.
The fact that they’re cute and furry with big, dark eyes, has no bearing on the story. And no, Diane, you can’t keep one!!! Sorry. Remembering my childhood and the voice of my father there. Back to my story . . .
Nine-year-old future-Dad-to-Diane had been assigned the all-important job of gopher eradication. It was a fairly simple process.
1. Find a burrow.
2. Set the traps.
3. Dispatch the cute but unwanted vermin that wound up in the traps.
Oh, and:
4. Remove the tails from the dead gophers and give them to your father and receive one penny.
Yep. Simple.
A little background is needed: The Stringam chicken coop was actually a cave dug back into the cliff. Faced with river rock, mortared together with mud, it seemed an impregnable fortress for things feather-headed and vulnerable. The feather heads were moved in.
And almost immediately, attracted something that liked things feather-headed and vulnerable. Something small and gopher-sized that could dig through the mud mortar and into the coop.
I should also mention that gophers really weren’t known for their chicken-dispatching tendencies. This was one weird gopher.
Dad hunted around and finally discovered its burrow. Then set his little snares. And waited.
After four days, he decided that nothing was going to be fooled into stepping into his cleverly-disguised traps, so he walked over to the burrow, prepared to dismantle the whole set-up.
And discovered that he had finally been successful.
He had snared a gopher.
But what a gopher!
He stared at it. It was the approximate colour of a gopher. And furry. But there, all similarities ended. This animal was absurdly long. And narrow. With a long tail.
Dad shrugged. He had a job to do and a penny is a penny. He moved closer and reached for the animal.
Then jumped back in alarm as the animal leaped at him, hissing.
In Dad’s own words, “It scared the wits out of me!”
The intrepid hunter burst into tears. And ran to his brother, Lonnie, working in the shop a short distance away. Lonnie, with still-sobbing Dad following closely behind, went to take a look at this strange gopher that had the nerve to scare his baby brother.
“You’ve caught a weasel!” he said.
Weasels are also persona non grata on a farm/ranch. They eat the chickens (see above). Just FYI.
In short order, the weasel suffered the same fate as a gopher would have.  The chickens stopped dying and peace was restored.
But the best part was that Dad got a whole nickel for the weasel’s tail. Four cents because it was four times longer than a gopher tail.
And one cent for tears and anguish.


  1. I would have cried too I think! That would be scary! I hope you are getting some rest after all the work you've been doing!

    1. Totally rested, thank you! Yeah, I would have jumped a mile. I'm terrified of chickens, too . . .

  2. Oh, you weaved a good tale on this one. I love your farm stories.
    This was cute!
    Blessings for you and hugs too!

    1. Whenever I get together with my Dad, this is the result. I love them, too! Thank you, LeAnn!

  3. I'm glad his Dad appreciated the stress he was under and gave him the extra penny. Hey...back then a penny bought a whole bag of candy.

  4. Grampa Stringham knew how to motivate his gopher-eradication team :)

    1. No one went looking elsewhere for employment, you can bet! :)

  5. We don't have gophers here in Australia, thank goodness, because we do have cattle farms, but we have a weasel cousin called a ferret. You probably have ferrets in America too. Hopefully you all know about the "knackey-twine", stout string tied around the pants legs at the ankles when hunting ferrets, so they don't run up your pants legs and bite your knackers.

    1. Bwahahaha! Knackey-twine. Very aptly named. I'll remember that one!

  6. Another evocative tale of a life I would love to live.

    1. Sweet memories. I'm so glad Dad is still able to weave them!

  7. Ooh, weasels are mean. And their tails are definitely worth a nickel!

  8. I have heard of holding kids accountable - but collecting tails for payment may top it all! We had so many gophers that in the summer we never had to feed our huge cats - and their bellies were always round.

    1. When cats are doing their jobs, everyone is happy!


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