Sunday, April 26, 2015

The End of a Show

We are theatre people.
Have been for more years than I care to confess.
My Emperor's New Clothes, the play we have been producing for four months drew to a close last night.
So many hours of hard work for so many wonderful people.
And such a triumph!
Let me give you a glimpse (Photos by Kristi Pfeiffer):
The whole crew. (Minus a few musicians . . .)

The Emperor (his daughter and the townspeople) singing about his favourite subject. Him.

The show did not lack in smacks!

My son, the cop, in 'disguise'.

The Emperor at the point of discovering 'he has nothing on'!

Our intrepid co-director, Kathy.

Kathy's intrepid other half, Jodi.

My son, Mark, who composed the music.

Husby and me. Doing what we do best.
And now the bitter-sweet moment has arrived.
The work is over.
But the 'togetherness' is, too.
The memories will live on forever!
Thank you to my ward/theatre family.
I love you all!


  1. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    Lovely photos and very interesting information.

    Best wishes

  2. Diane, this looks like it was so much fun! And it IS sad when something like this is over, I agree. Four months is a long time. And a short time.

    I was wondering how you would show the emperor in his "lack of clothes" - great job - hilarious!

    1. We decided that only his suit was invisible. Not his underwear . . . yikes!

  3. P. S. I can't believe you managed to keep up your blog all this time. That is quite an accomplishment, too.

    1. I missed many days. Just not enough hours in the day!

  4. I am so proud of you! Sorry we missed last night! We so wanted to be there. I became very ill in the afternoon.

    1. So sorry to hear it, Chris. I'd love for you to have seen it! Next year . . .

  5. Such a wonderful accomplishment! Congratulations!

  6. Four months of shows! Well done. Nice to see everyone so happy with the accomplishment and all the bunches of flowers.
    Will you take a break now or dive right in to another show?

    1. The next show is being written as we speak, River. Pied Piper. Should be a hoot!

  7. Great job Congratulations! I wish I could have seen it! It's almost summer and time for some relaxation and fun!

    1. It was such fun, Rena! I always look forward to summer, then find it's even busier than the rest of the year. Sigh.

  8. It looks like thanks to many hours of hard work the audience would have been well entertained - and that you had lots of fun! There is no end to the talent in your family!

    1. We have so much fun, Susan. What we don't have in talent, we make up for in enthusiasm! :)


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