Friday, November 13, 2015

Being Honest

Okay, yes. We're a work in progress . . .
I taught my children the moral lessons my parents taught me.
Now my children are teaching their children.
Sometimes, their success is . . . uncertain . . .
We were leaving church.
Our daughter and her daughter (hereinafter called HD) were recapping lessons learned that day in Sunday School.
“We learned about honesty!” HD said in her three-year-old, glass-shattering, there’s-a-lot-of-noise-in-this-hall voice.
“And what is honesty?” her mother asked.
She looked at her mother. “Mom!” she said. “It’s when you don’t show your knees. And you don’t show these!” With that last, she pulled down the bodice of her dress, flashing everyone who may have been within eye shot of their little family.
Approximately fifty or so people.
“Aaaah!” Her mother quickly pulled HD’s dress back into its original position. “I think you’re talking about ‘modesty’.
“Oh. Right. Modesty is when you don’t show your knees and you don’t show . . .” This time, her mother was able to anticipate the action and keep her daughter covered.
“. . . these.”
We’re not yet sure about her whole take on honesty.
But at least she has modesty . . . down.


  1. Perhaps she needs her hearing checked?

  2. But we can show our behinds?
    Just asking.
    And smiling and wincing. Children are precious. And sometimes truly embarassing.
    Walking home one afternoon the small girl from next door (about the age of HD) told me 'my daddy is in the bath.' 'He is in the NUDDY!!!' 'Do you want to see?'. She was very, very disappointed when I refused.

    1. Hmmm . . . I don't know if the topic of 'behinds' was . . . covered . . .
      You didn't want to see her daddy in the nuddy?! I understand her disappointment! ;)

  3. Hysterical. Is there a "modesty" refresher course. She may need to have a go at that one again.

  4. To be fair, they only differ by two little letters ... you could say they are almost identical words ...

    What a hoot! For us. For her mom, probably not quite as much, at least not until she has a moment to herself :)

    1. You're totally right. The mistake is understandable . . .
      Yeah, once she got her daughter covered, my daughter died laughing!

  5. Awwww...such a cutie. Out of the mouths of babes.....

    1. Comes the most unexpected, entertaining, hilarious . . .

  6. Oh gosh, that's too cute. Don't you just LOVE three year olds?

    1. I'm always a little sad when they move to four. They seem to lose a bit of that spontaneity . . .

  7. So cute! I can't wait until ours start talking...don't remind me that I said that later haha!


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