Thursday, November 12, 2015


Artistic: fourth from the right, top row.
Un-artistic: fourth from the right, second row.
Grade three art class.
So much fun with so many things artistic.
None of them me.
I’m not sure, but I think when artistic ability was handed out in Heaven, I was outside.
Doing something else.
Or if I was there, my ability was poured in with a teaspoon and someone jiggled Heavenly Father’s elbow.
Moving on . . .
Others in my class were gifted with a bit more.
Quite a bit more.
One boy in particular was amazing.
And it was to Randy that I looked whenever a new assignment was handed out.
He never let me down.
We were in grade three, and had been given large pieces of paper and paints and instructed to paint a tree, I immediately turned to see what he did.
And how he did it.
He started with a graceful, fluid line of brown from the bottom of the page to the top.
I dipped my brush in my brown paint.
And made a streak.
That’s all. A streak. Heavy. Clumsy.
And distinctly un-graceful.
I tried to fix it.
It became an ungraceful streak that . . . thickened.
My teacher asked me, kindly, if I’d like to start again. I received my new piece of paper with relief bordering on giddiness.
And proceeded to do the same thing.
Oh, I did produce a tree.
But I had to label it so others would know.
Another time, we were given pictures to colour with our new pressed-wax crayons, and I fared better.
Again, I craned my neck to see what Randy would do.
His Santa picture was coloured heavily, completely filling in the spaces.
No white specks showing at all.
I tried to copy his technique.
But without his results.
Oh, I managed to stay within the lines. And it even turned out . . . acceptable.
But it just didn’t have the flare – the snap – that Randy’s did.
But I was nothing, if not persistent.
Every picture from then on was coloured with great intent. A lot of crayon.
And Randy’s technique.
But with equally disappointing results.
Then, a few months later, Randy changed things up.
For this newest colouring project, he outlined each space heavily, then proceeded to fill in lightly.
I could almost feel my mother’s relief as requests for new boxes of crayons . . . diminished. In fact, I think my current box and Randy’s new method actually lasted me through the end of the year.
I kept on trying. And sometimes, was actually satisfied with my efforts.
But, by the end of grade three, I had realized something.
When it comes to things artistic:
Some do.
Others appreciate.
I’m definitely in the second category.
And I’m happy there.


  1. Naw, your artistic ability comes out in words that do almost a better job of describing a picture than the actual picture! ;)

  2. Hi! You did it just issno interesting. I liked it!

  3. Caitlin is right - there's more than one kind of artistic talent. When's the last time you heard of a good story written by Picasso or DaVinci or Michaelangelo ... yet you write excellent ones on a daily basis, which I, for one, could not do but truly appreciate ...

    1. Thank you, Jenny! Why do we never see ourselves as having talents? Only everyone else! :)

  4. I am another appreciator here. And love your word artistry.

  5. This from the woman who writes stories and poems, bakes pies and sews pajamas. I think you got your fair share of creativity.

    1. Thank you so much Delores! Funny. One never looks at the things one does as creative. I guess that's why we all need our friends. To keep it real when we get too full of ourselves and to point good things out when we most need it! :)

  6. I'm the appreciative sort too. Although I can draw a recognisable tree now, it took me years to progress from the brown-stick-green-lollipop-head style.

    1. You are my new hero, River! I would SO love to be able to draw!!!

  7. P.S. I agree with what they ^ all said about your creative ability. You're a pretty fancy wordsmith for sure.

    1. Thank you! Funny how I never have recognized that as artistic ability! :)

  8. I struggle with stick people. I've always been envious of people who create art!


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