Sunday, February 7, 2016

We're Off!

Ready for anything . . .
My Husby loves to travel,
It’s just the way he is,
North or South; East or West,
The world is truly his.

He loves to take me with him,
(It’s good I love to go)
Foreign or domestic,
Above or Down Below.

But there’s one thing problematic,
One teeny, little blight - 
To see most things he wants to see,
We have to take a flight.

To get us two from here to there
We hurtle through the air,
While all around me talk and eat,
I curl up in despair.

He says we’re safe, quotes stats galore,
The balanced dance of gear.
I see a tube with flimsy wings,
That gives me naught but fear.

This time, our target’s tropical,
We'll cruise and eat and swim,
But though I will be happy there,
The problem's flying in.

I love to go to a'travelling,
And be sunstroke aware.
I’ll treasure each small moment,
The pain is getting there!

Tomorrow morning, Husby and I head out for three wonderful weeks of sea and sun. We'll talk when I get home . . . 
I'll miss you! 


  1. Three weeks - how wonderful! Have so much fun!!!

  2. Sea and sun?
    You're coming to Australia?
    You won't find better sea and sun anywhere else!
    Have a great holiday.

  3. You will have reached your destination as I write this. I hope the memory of getting there is now distant - and you enjoy every second of your three weeks away. Such a fun poem!

  4. you are quite the poet Di! I loved your poem and I hope your time in the sun and sea makes up for the flights. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures on your return xx

  5. Oh no, that is a problem. But I'm sure you made it safe and can't wait to hear more about your trip! I can somehow relate although my fear is not the flying per se but being in an enclosed space full of germs...afraid not so much for me but for the little one. *sigh* xoxo

  6. Oh what fun! I know you had a blast because I saw the pics on Facebook. I've been a horrible friend and I am bound and determined to catch up with Diane tonight! I'm here way back at February 7 and it's March 23 and I'm going to read every single one! I've missed you dear friend and I promise to never stay away so long again!


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