Thursday, March 3, 2016

Home Again. Home Again...

This says it all...
Two years in the planning. Check.
Savings gone. Check.
Cruisewear purchased. Check.
Flight to Sant Maartin. Check.
Luggage sent to Miami. Check.
Luggage found and returned. Check.
Ship boarded. Check.
The occasional bout of mild seasickness (remember, I am a child of the prairies.) Check.
Own weight in food consumed. Check.
Sunscreen applied. Check.
Sand waded through. Check.
Islands of the sea explored. Check.
Shopping on said islands of the sea. Check.
Sting Rays fed. Check.
Blue, Caribbean waves floated on. Check.
Afternoon naps in the sun. Check.
New, forever friends found. Check.
Long, starlit evenings under a Caribbean moon. Check.
Laughter and singing and dancing and visiting and reading and writing and quiet times. Check.
Wonderful, marvellous, stupendous once-in-a-lifetime experience. Check.
Planning underway for the next time. Check.

And: Won't forget important foundation garments next time. Check.
First glimpse of the Caribbean
First selfie on the beach

First glimpse of the Star Clipper.

Canadian hits the beach.
Sailing with our sister ship! The Royal Clipper.

Steering the ship. Sorta.
Iles de Saintes. I wanna live there!

Lifeboat drill. Expressions of terror optional.

Moonrise over Saba Rock.
Where they paved paradise and put up a restaurant . . .
New wonderful friends, Staci and David.
The only time these guys stood still.
Watching the Batik happen.
The last bell tower.
View from Brimstone Hill fortress on St. Kitts.
The view from our bedroom. Sigh


  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip, well worth the planning and money. Beautiful pictures! And great label :)

  2. I would live happily forever if that was my bedroom view!
    Glad you had a wonderful time :D

  3. Welcome back Diane! I'm so happy you had such a wonderful trip! I've missed my daily reading of your blog - but I'm very glad you had such a nice break!

  4. You're back! Looks like you had such a good time, and the pictures are beautiful. I agree with Susan - I missed reading your blog every day!

  5. So that's where Santa & Mrs. Claus hang out in the Summer. Nice! I can't get mine to fly yet, but I'm getting closer. I want to go to Ireland!


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