Saturday, September 3, 2016


                                                          The Pass Dairy as it looks today. 
                                  It has morphed some, but the ice cream inside is just as good!

My Father-in-Law (Hereinafter known as FIL) loved ice cream.
Maybe I should re-word.
My FIL LOVED ice cream.
Nearly every meal ended with the creamy deliciousness.
No matter how large the portions had been.
In his words: “Ice cream just melts and goes in the cracks.”
Snack times must always include some form of the treat.
If one was traveling, one could always find someone, somewhere, who could provide a scoop or a spiral.
And that is where this story starts . . .
FIL knew the best places in all of Southern Alberta to buy ice cream.
He would be driving and suddenly turn off the main road.
When questioned, the answer inevitably contained some form of the words: Ice cream. And Need. Some. Right. Now.
Many, many places catered happily (and satisfactorily) to his passion.
But his particular favourite was The Pass Dairy.
In the Crowsnest Pass.
More specifically in the town of Bellevue in the Crowsnest Pass.
For a dollar, they would give you an ice cream cone that was truly heroic in size.
In fact, they took pride in the fact that theirs was the largest, best cone anywhere.
Something FIL challenged them on regularly.
On this particular day, he had gone into the little shop.
And emerged with a cone piled high with a perfect spiral of soft, melting deliciousness.
I think we could properly insert the word: Massive.
Mother-in-Law stared at it, wide-eyed. “Ray,” she said. “If you eat all that, you’ll be sick!”
FIL just looked at her and smiled. “You know better than that!”
He was right. 


  1. I like the spirals (soft ice cream) better than the scoops (hard) ... but I don't think I could eat one the size your father-in-law must have had ... He had talent :)

    1. It was a talent! And he never gained an ounce. Actually, I think it was a miracle...

  2. Love his theory about it filling in the cracks. Fortunately ice cream is one of the very few high calorific treats I can take or leave - and usually leave.

    1. You are superwoman! I don't know if I could leave ice cream. Sigh.

  3. Nowadays, I indulge more in frozen yogurt, but the swirl was my childhood favorite. We had a "Mr. Softee truck" that cruised our neighborhood and I would always get the vanilla cone. Yummy!

    1. The ice cream man still satellites our neighborhood. You can hear his music from a country mile. Unfortunately his prices dictate that we seldom get to indulge!

  4. I prefer scoops to spirals and have recently discovered I've indulged far too much and must cut back. Which won't be easy with our summer approaching.

    1. Heaven to me would be the ability to eat as much ice cream as you wanted and never gaining an ounce. Or suffering from heartburn.

  5. Hey...we all know our limits. What's "massive" to one is barely acceptable to another lol.

    1. I've said it before and I'll say it again:I like you attitude!

  6. The search for an epic cone--he had the right idea about the pleasures of life! Bless him!

    1. We've heard of travelling the world to find yourself. We need to a movie about travelling to find the world's best ice cream cone!

  7. Sounds like my kind of guy. Ice cream is my favorite food and I agree there is always room! The thrill of finding a good ice-cream place sets my body a tingling.


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