Friday, September 2, 2016

Sign Language

We have just spent the last few days with our coastal son.
The one who lives in paradise.
He is fun, funny and a deep, deep thinker.
He is also the one who remembers everything.
At the top of his list of memories during this visit?
His Dad’s Dad-isms. The strange things his dad told him during his upbringing that he realized, belatedly, really couldn’t be true.
But now are an integral part of his childhood.
If not a part of reality.
A few road signs:
The ‘Deer en pointe’ sign.

A sure warning that there are deer practicing—or performing—ballet in the vicinity.
Occasionally in the middle of the road.
Hence the sign.
The Snakes on Road sign.

Which gives a warning and also a estimate of number.
But you have to look closely to find them.
When they aren’t slithering down the middle of the road.
Just FYI. We’ve never seen them slithering down the road.
Those signs are erroneous.
Then the Sign which, to the rest of the word says: Loose Gravel.

To Dad, it said “Loo-Che Gravel-lay”.
An Italian fellow who obviously haunts roads in poor repair.
Enough signs . . .
Now we move on to a couple of animals that only Dad knows.
The first and foremost: The rock gopher.

A small rodent-appearing animal that bores holes through solid rock.
I know you’ve seen the holes.
Now you know how they occur.
And, finally, the side-hill gouger.

These are cows seen grazing on the sides of steep hills or mountains.
Their legs are shorter on one side than the other.
Thus their ability to walk comfortably on those steep sides of mountains.
Their only draw-back is their inability to turn the other way.
That would be—a disaster.
And would cause the inevitable, but rarely seen, rolling cow slide.
What your kids remember instead of real facts.
And that’s just fine.


  1. I can't even imagine the fun of a car trip with your family. Of course the kids remember the Dad-isms. They're way more fun than fact.

    1. Dad often forgot his spur-of-the-moment history lessons but his kids always reminded him! Yeah. Our trips were...memorable! :)

  2. Much more fun than the mum and dad-isms that most of us remember.

  3. They must have used a huge team of those rock drilling rodents to blast out the highways through our Northern cottage country I always wondered how they did it.

    1. Yes. And they were the larger kind,too. You don't want to get them angry...

  4. Such excellent explanations -- and willing sponges to soak them up :)


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