Tuesday, September 13, 2016

For Raisons Unknown

It only LOOKS delicious . . .
I love raisins.
Especially in trail mix.
Or coated in chocolate.
I should probably point out, here, that coating in chocolate is not really an accurate test of raisin love.
If you coated a hubcap in chocolate, I'd eat it.
Moving on . . .
I did not always love raisins. (Even now, I prefer my cinnamon buns and other baked treats to be raisin-less.)
It wasn't until after I was married that I learned to appreciate them.
There is a reason for that . . .
My brother, George, is two years older than I. Throughout our growing-up years, his prime responsibility was the teasing of his younger sister.
He practised his craft at every opportunity.
And became very good at it.
One day, our mom made cookies. Something she did a lot.
On this particular occasion, she had produced mounds of raisin cookies.
They were spread out temptingly across the table.
The aroma drew my brother and I from the depths of the house.
“Mmmm. Raisin cookies,” George said. He turned to me. “I knew that Mom was going to make raisin cookies today.”
“You did?” I asked innocently.
“Yep. I did,” he said.
“Did Mom tell you?”
“You can tell by the smell?”
“Partially. But that's not the real reason.”
“Well, I give up. How did you know?”
He leaned towards me, a big grin on his face. “I knew Mom was going to bake raisin cookies because I saw her picking the raisins off the fly-paper at the back door.”
And from that moment on, in fact for the next twenty years, George had all of the raisin goodies that emerged from Mom's kitchen to himself.
Smart cookie.

P.S. He also tried to convince me that my rice was moving.
But that is another story . . .
He only LOOKS cute!


  1. My hubby loves raisins -- me.....not so much. Chocolate covering helps

    1. Yeah, I came to my raisin addiction late. Mmmmm....chocolate...

  2. we used to joke about the "dreaded raisins" when we were kids, but i discovered a love of the lil devils late in life. but no one loves raisins more than my hubby...

    1. Try the flypaper one in him. Then you get all the cookies...

  3. My spouse will eat almost anything that has raisins in it so I've learned to use them strategically. Amazing how many things taste good--well OK--with raisins.

  4. Our brothers are related. Though I suspect EVERYONE'S brothers are related.

  5. I'm not a fan of raisins, I prefer the smaller sultanas.
    Brothers will do almost anything to get ALL the cookies.

  6. Brother - bother with an "r" in it :) Yep, I had an older brother, too, and he tried to gross me out - and succeeded. Sigh.


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