Sunday, October 30, 2016

Doing What They See

Grandma was babysitting.
Cousins, the two-year-old (H) and the three-year-old (B) had been playing in the front room.
Occasional outbursts over the train.
The doll.
The stroller.
The spot on the couch.
Whose turn it was to breathe the surrounding air . . .
Had been painstakingly and endlessly sorted out.
Silence had descended.
There’s nothing quite as suspicious as two toddlers who have gone quiet. 
Grandma hurried to investigate, skidding to a stop in the entry to the living room.
The two little girls were still playing. But had changed things up a bit . . .
B held a tiny water paint set in one hand. In the other, the dry miniscule brush. “Look at me, please,” she said.
H was seated, facing her older cousin.
B was ‘painting’ H’s face. “Look at me, please,” she said again. She applied a couple of strokes. “Look at me, please.” A couple more.
Grandma smiled and stood quietly watching.
Have I mentioned that B’s mom is a face-painter? Well, she is.
A good one.
It doesn’t matter what we try to teach them, kids do what they see us do.
 Actions definitely speak louder than words.
Although in this case, the words are nice, too . . .
The novice
The professional

The result


  1. As long as they don't start painting their surroundings.

  2. How nice! It warms my heart when I see children imitating the good things their parents do.

  3. That's cute! My grandson tries to emulate everything papaw does. It's so adorable.

  4. Ha! Never trust a quiet room that contains two toddlers - wise words to be sure! They are ALWAYS watching and learning.

    1. Silence is golden. Except when it's toddlers. Then it's suspicious!

  5. A quiet room has spelt disaster more often than an awwww moment.
    Thank you for this one.

  6. So sweet. There's nothing scarier than a quiet room with children inside.

  7. W.hat a sweet scene for you to see :)
    I love watching professional face painters

    1. I do too, River! They just make it look so . . . easy!


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