Monday, October 31, 2016

Those Bodily Functions

For those of you who associate with them, you know that little boys find bodily functions hilarious.
Screamingly so. 
If someone passes, in the course of living, a bit of air – either up or down – the little boys in the room are rolling on the floor laughing (Or ROFL in text-speak).
The subtleties that may be a by-product of such occurrences, they might be missing.
Maybe I should explain . . .
My eldest granddaughter had just finished eating.
Things were processing nicely.
In the course of said processing, a bit of air was released.
Resulting in an explosion commonly known as a ‘belch’.
She smiled and said:
“Excuse me for my rudeness. 
It wasn’t very smart.
But if it'd gone the other way,
It would have been a . . .”
She judiciously paused there.
Her little brother bobbed up from whatever he had been doing and shouted, “Strawberry!”
Sometimes, they get it.
And sometimes . . . they don’t.
Burpee. With ice cream mustache.


  1. How funny! Yes, sometimes they do. And don't. LOL

  2. Love it.
    Years back my youngest brother slipped a saucer of water into the bottom of my bed. As I climbed in, I naturally knocked it over, and spilled water everywhere.
    The brother, alerted by my squeals, rushed down the hall to tell everyone I had wet the bed.
    Yup. Bodily functions ARE hilarious.

  3. Replies
    1. Don't let them hear you! It'll just encourage them. Oh. Like me writing the story and posting it. Oops...

  4. Finding bathroom humor hilarious must be linked to the Y chromosome!


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