Sunday, March 5, 2017

Name That Movie!

Our electronic magic-maker.
It was time.
1982. Our (then) family consisted of three boys ages 4, 3 and 1.
We finally purchased our first VCR.
We had hesitated a long time to get one.
After all, the first unit came out in 1976.
Husby had delayed until the prices came down and the ‘bells and whistles’ increased.
Finally, when a unit was introduced featuring a remote, he could wait no longer.
Okay, yes, the remote was attached to the unit by a long cord. But still . . .
Now on to my real story . . .
We purchased our VCR at Smith’s Electric in Lethbridge, Alberta.
But that isn’t the most important part of this story.
What is most important was found in a little cardboard box at the back of the tidy Smith’s store. A selection of pre-recorded VHS tapes.
Available to be borrowed by the lucky new owners of the store’s electronic marvels.
One of those tapes was Disney’s The Black Hole.
A great, rather dark, space adventure featuring rogue captains, murderous robots, missing spaceships, a vegetative crew, a beautiful mind-reading heroine and, interestingly, a Black Hole.
I won’t tell you how many times we borrowed that tape.
Let me put it in another way.
My four-year old (now 40-year-old) watched it so many times, I had the entire thing memorized. Including pre and post advertisements.
How do I know this?
A few days ago, our family thought it would be fun to watch, for old time’s sake, The Black Hole.
And I could still quote the entire thing.
The. Entire. Thing.
With sound effects and pauses for theatrical emphasis.

Now if I could just remember where I put my wretched car keys . . .

Don't forget! Tomorrow is Poetry Monday!
See you there!


  1. I still remember that movie too! I still don't like Maximillian...

  2. I don't think I saw that movie. We are aren't big movie watchers here. Poetry Monday .... yes, I'm ready, preposted just in case my system goes cattywaumpus again.

  3. My brain seems designed to remember all the stuff I don't need to know, too, Diane!

    And thank you for the reminder about Poetry Monday! (because I forgot again - see first sentence)

    1. We are kindred spirits, Jenny! I always knew it!
      Are you okay with me putting you on tomorrow's poetry blog? I'd really like to list you with Delores and I . . .

    2. Oh, yes! For sure, and thank you!

  4. Poetry Monday? Something I missed in my absence? I will definitely be visiting.
    I am also not a movie watcher but can still recite great slabs of some of the books I grew up with. Decades later.

    1. We decided that Mondays would go down a bit better with some poetry. So happy to have you with us, EC!

  5. I don't think I ever saw this movie!
    I enjoyed your post though, thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much, Jan!
      Anything you've watched too much?

  6. You don't always put your car keys in the same place so you don't lose them?
    I've watched several movies a lot, but can't quote an entire one, although I can manage a fair amount of the dialogue.


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