Monday, March 6, 2017

Watch Your Step

It's Monday again!
You probably don't need the reminder.
But now there is something that makes Monday a day to look forward to.
I know you're as excited as I am . . .

The cop was told, “Domestic—umm—commotion.”
What he found was surely wrought with strong emotion.
There lying on the floor,
All gross and specked with gore,
Was something that would not be termed ‘devotion’!

The body, cold and dead, was lying prostrate,
A single slug had issued him his checkmate,
His wife had been the one,
She’d shot him with her gun,
Then called the cops. She'd just increased the crime rate.

When the cop arrived and sadly judged the scene,
It was so much worse than any place he’d been,
Near the body was a mess,
But when you saw the rest,
You’d have to swear the floor was fresh and clean.

When he tried to cross that floor, the gun she raised,
On the stand, he’d testify her eyes were crazed.
“Please don’t take another step!”
She said with force and pep.
All he thought to do was stare at her, amazed.

Then later, from his car, he called his Sarge,
He said, “I know that you put me in charge.”
“But I can’t arrest her yet,
Her permission, I can’t get,
And I have to tell you, man, her gun is large!”

His Sergeant told him, “Son, you mean to say
That a single woman stopped your work today?"
Then he added, “If that's true,
Then it makes me very blue,
When I think she’ll get away with her foul play."

The cop said, "S'not defeat and not goodbye,
I’ll be able to arrest her by and by.
I just can’t repeat the sin
That did her husband in,
I cannot cross her floor till it is dry."

I have some wonderful friends who are joining in!


  1. Lesson not learned
    to cross a clean wet floor!

  2. It is worth your life to cross a womans clean wet floor. So many of us have wished we had a weapon of some kind to hand to 'floor' the transgressor.

  3. Oops you got me on this one...LOL!

  4. And why is it that people and animals alike always show up in the middle of said cleaning?? This is why I never wash my floors ... avoiding homicide :)

    1. Well done, by the way - limericks are one of my favourite kinds of poetry, but I have a hard time writing them.

    2. That sentence really need a ! :)

    3. Your exclamation point diet will be difficult. Only you can decide if it's worth it!!! ;)

  5. A clear case of justifiable homicide. Thank you. I loved all of the participants very different poems this week.

  6. What a surprise ending that was! Thank you for the smile.

  7. A little drastic, but she has ensured that he will never cross a wet floor again.


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