Sunday, June 4, 2017

Getting What You Want

Oh, hey. While you're up . . .
Okay, yes, he probably would have gotten it anyways.
But the genius is in the method of asking . . .
There was often pie in the Stringam household.
Fresh-baked and flaky and amazing.
Much of the time, amazing meals were followed by even this more amazing dessert.
Which just nicely topped off a very satisfying experience.
Or occasionally, later in the evening, a snack of the same would also go down very well.
Just because.
But when it didn't appear spontaneously, Dad would facilitate matters by asking.
And that's when things got interesting.
He could probably come out with such zingers as: Ooh, lovely meal! Did you plan to serve some pie? -or- I saw some of your wonderful pie! Any chance of getting some?
I mean, that's what I would have done.
But not Dad. No.
His requests were couched in a more 'creative' manner.
This was usually preceded by a clearing of the throat. "Enes, (my Mom's name) my dear, would you mind terribly getting me a small scoop of ice cream?" (Picture hands indicating something football sized.)
Then, as Mom nodded and started toward the freezer: "And could you please slide a piece of pie under it?"
See? Creative.
And soon Dad was happily munching.
Usually joined by whoever was present for the exchange.
A pause here while I picture past delicious-ness. Mmmm . . .
Occasionally, he would change things up a bit.
Come out with a request that was equally entertaining.
And effective.
"Enes, my dear. Grant (or whoever may be sitting nearby) needs a slice of pie and ice cream. And while you're at it, could you bring me one?"
Why just ask when you can ASK.
Hmmm. Now I'm craving pie.
Excuse me . . .


  1. The hubs says, "Is there afters?" with a VERY hopeful look on his face. I like your dads style.

  2. Would love to have one those hammers to knock some sense into the hubby. ha Kidding

  3. Another enjoyable story. Will you adopt me? I so love pie....

  4. Now I'm craving pie, too. Even the word "flakey" sets off that craving!! Unfortunately, I have no pie in the house. Wah.

  5. Love it. Even if I am not a pie fan.

  6. Darn it! Now I'm craving pie too.

  7. Nice story - you paint a picture. Now I'm hungry for pie- I'm not really a cake fan. Pie is so much better:)


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