Monday, June 5, 2017

From Here to There

Source: I Heart My Snap
Boy on the bridge
Life is a bridge from here to there,
Some years of joy, some years of care,
It's sometimes hard, while forward bound,
To stop.
And take a look around.
At times, clear footsteps on the wood
Will tell you life is sound. And good.
With all things joyful in your track
You look ahead, and never back.
But other times the winds will blow,
And send down hail, and sleet, and snow.
The struggle's more than you can bear,
You're bowed before your load of care.
Then storms move off, as all storms do,
The sun returns, and warmth anew.
And life goes on, from day to day,
With times of toil and times of play.
Life is a bridge from here to there,
Some years of joy, some years of care.
And though it's hard, while forward bound,
Please stop.
And take a look around.

Welcome to Poetry Monday!
The perfect way to start a new week.
Delores and Jenny are also involved.
Zip on over and see what they have done to start their week!


  1. That says it all. Beautiful job Diane....just beautiful. The three of us seem to be in an introspective mood this morning. Must be the phasee of the moon.

  2. Lovely. Rather reflective and haunting and beautiful. I was ready for some cowboy poetry and this is a nice change. Don't get me wrong I love the poetry of the ranch too!

  3. Nicely done, nicely worded and expressed. Thank you.

  4. Delores is right - we all seem to be pondering life today ... this is such a wonderful description of life, Diane, and a much-needed reminder to savour the good days.

  5. Loved your musings, and those of Delores and jenny_o too.
    Thank you all.

  6. I so enjoyed this.
    Your words and the image ... perfect.

    All the best Jan


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