Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Truth About Trousers


The two sisters were both loving and caring. Hardworking and generous. But there, the similarities ended.
One, Emily, was the elder. A tall, spare, maiden lady. Teacher. At times, self-professed critic.
The other, Mary, a shorter, rounder, mother of numerous children. Full of good humour and good conversation.
Emily lived with their mother in the city.
Mary, with her husband and children in the country nearby.
Mary had stopped off at her mother’s home for a short visit. Wearing—gasp!—trousers.
Something Emily had freely admitted in the past that she heartily disapproved of.
The sisters met as Mary strode down the hall toward the kitchen.
Okay, I wasn’t there, but I’ve heard the story and I think it went something like this:
Mary: Hello! I’ve dropped by for a visit! Is Mother here? (They always called Grandma ‘Mother’.)
Emily: Hello! It is so nice to see you. And yes, she is. She’s in the kitchen. (Emily and Mary had their differences in life callings, but they were always affectionate and friendly as sisters.)
Grandma enters the scene here and the visiting continues for a few minutes.
Until . . .
Emily: Mary, you’re wearing trousers.
Mary: Yes.
Emily: I really don’t care for trousers.
Mary: I know.
Emily: Mary, those trousers made your backside look big.
Mary (cheerfully): It’s not the trousers, Emily. My backside is big.
Emily: Ummm . . .
I mean, how can you respond to that?
I don’t want to make Emily look bad here. She was a kind person, who just happened to disapprove of women in trousers. Particularly her sister whom she loved.
But I’ve just decided. When I grow up, I want an attitude like Mary’s!

Some stupendous news!
The cover for my newest book, Daughter of Ishmael has been nominated for an award!
Please, please, please go to this site and vote for it.
I promise to love you forever . . .
And if you share this news among your friends, I’ll love you even more!


  1. Done! Congratulations on the nomination and good the moment you are so far ahead it isn't even funny.

  2. Oh, I need to remember this comeback!

    I tried to go to the link, but it keeps telling me I am banned ... eeek ... is anyone else getting this message?

  3. Rats! Can't vote without becoming a subscriber. I'll send virtual votes instead and hope you get the award. You're ahead in votes already anyway, so good luck :)
    I remember my primary school banning trousers for girls and my dad thought that was a stupid idea, so every winter I wore slacks while the other girls shivered, and every winter I spent time writing lines. "I must not wear slacks to school". I didn't care. I was warm.

  4. Like the others, I could not vote because I am not subscribed. Looking at the vote count, you are way ahead of the others. I wish you good luck.

  5. Congratulations. I tried to subscribe and vote, but a glitch has occurred. Good luck.

  6. Congratulations on the nomination and good luck.

    All the best Jan


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