Wednesday, August 2, 2017


My Hero.
It’s happened.
For forty years, we were knee-deep in cossetting a career, raising kids, paying bills, grooming a home and living.
With the turning of the stars, we have become empty nesters.
And retirees.
All at once.
Now, our mornings consist of: visiting as we leisurely climb out of bed.
Bike rides with grandkids.
Breakfast together.
Lunch together.
Supper together.
More visiting.
And the final cap on the day, a favourite movie.
We’ve stepped into an alternate universe.
And I’m discovering I like it.
Now, before you think it’s all sunshine and roses, let me bring you to this morning . . .
I was seated by the computer, reading.
Husby was pottering about. Getting dressed and organizing himself for heading outside to tend his jungle garden. He had donned a shirt, then become distracted with putting in his ‘ears’ and grooming his hair and beard.
Then he stood in the middle of the room. “I’m ready to go out.” He frowned. “But I’m forgetting something.”
I looked at him over my glasses. “Pants?”
“Pants!” He happily dug some out of his dresser and put them on, then disappeared.
Yep. We’ve arrived.

Don't forget to enter the contest for an E-copy of Searching for Irene! Wonderful new mystery by my good friend, Marlene Bateman!

Enter simply by commenting on this post! Or this one!
Winner announced Friday!


  1. Good thing he's got you there to remind him to put pants on. But now I'm wondering if he ever made that mistake and headed off to work.

    1. I am, too! He wouldn't have gotten far. Brrr. We do live in Canada . . .

  2. I hope he'll remind you to wear pants. It's handy to have someone on hand for that.

  3. Now there is a reason of the presence of a significant other I hadn't considered. And it is a most excellent reason too.

    1. I think we need to add: 'Pants Prompts' to the list of necessities...

  4. Yikes. This makes me glad I always put my pants on first.

  5. Oh no, I can't let my husband see this post...

  6. LOL!! Let's hope he returns the favour when you need it!


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