Thursday, August 3, 2017

Pit Spitting

Summer has come to Edmonton!!!
We have a fire pit.
The gathering place for our family for every day of the summer.
When the weather allows.
It is the scene of wiener and marshmallow roasts and long, long talks into the evening, watching the flames and embers glow.Where parking toes within comfortable toasting distance and children running dangerously close (to the dismay of their parents) are the norm.
Oh, and because it’s the Tolleys, the fire pit is also the scene of . . . pittings.
Let me explain . . .
Our favorite summer food is cherries.
Cherries have pits.
That are fun to spit.
Pit spitting.
Or pitting.
See it now?
Over the years, my Husby has been able to hit that fire pit with better and better accuracy. He taught his children.
It was fun.
Until they grew up, got married and discovered manners. Or rather, discovered that their spouses had  manners.
Thus, the pittings ended.
For a while.
But in recent years, he has discovered a whole, new group of neophytes. Small people who are ready and willing to embark on any adventure he introduces.
Imagine this: A line of children, of various sizes, cherry juice dripping down their chins, spitting enthusiastically towards the fire.
Sound like fun?
Their parents don’t think so, either.
But Grampa and Gramma do.
And it’s our pit.


  1. Love this! Especially the line: Or rather, discovered that their spouses had manners. (So pure!)

  2. Pit spitting!
    It's your pit so you can spit if you want to. ��

  3. Sounds like fun to me. Brings back memories of watermelon seed spitting with my Dad and Grandad.

  4. Probably better for you than swallowing them and definitely more fun.

    1. My mom always told me I'd grow cherries (or watermelon) out my ears if I swallowed them. Took me a while...

  5. That's exactly what grandparents are supposed to do.

  6. I love to spit cherry pits. But I'm not a grandmother, and I don't have a firepit. Well, I didn't know cherry pit spitter was a thing. Now I have something to look forward to.

  7. Little kids are so much more fun than when they get older :)

  8. Definitely sounds like fun to me. At first I thought you were talking about watermelon seed spitting.

    1. Watermelon is equally entertaining. But so many of our watermelons are seedless :(


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