Monday, August 14, 2017

Modern Conveniences

In 1848 or 9,
The guys in charge thought it was time,
To close the place that represented
Everything that was invented.

“What need have we of patents, new?
There won’t be any more breakthroughs.”
“We’ll save some cash, if we close down,
The patent office in each town.”

Yes, they had electric power,
And indoor plumbing, bath and shower.
They’d bifocals and games of ball,
The clock, the telegraph and all.

But let’s see what we would have missed,
Had they done just what they wished,
In 1848 or 9,
Had they been allowed to draw the line.

The first dishwasher (of a kind),
In 1850 was designed,
And the wash machine to make clothes new?
Invented in the 50’s, too!

The vacuum came a little later,
The 1860’s. Ask its maker.
The clothespin and sewing machine,
Toilet paper, jelly beans.

The phonograph. The mason jar.
Kleenex or the chocolate bar.
And what would you, if you had known
Do without the telephone?

And airplanes and the ballpoint pen,
I’m sure you use them now and then.
Air conditioning. And jeans.
Earmuffs and most all machines.

There’s millions more that I could tell,
Like penicillin, solar cell.
I’ll put computers on the list,
And that is where I will desist.

We're glad that they did not succeed,
To close the patent place. Agreed?
With me, let’s raise a plastic cup,
Thankful someone shut them up.

Mondays get an awful rap,
They start the week out with a slap,
Delores, Jenny and me, too
Feel poetry will help us through!
Stay tuned for next week when we three,
Will tackle Meetings here. Come see!


  1. What WOULD we do without toilet paper? What a great list of inventions. You know...I really drew a blank with this one. Sorry about that.

    1. I know that was at the top of my list! I didn't give you enough time. Sorry about that!

  2. I love my morning dose of poetry from you! Imagination of inventions and prose from you!

  3. Air conditioning! Let's not forget this invention, that saves lives besides making us more comfortable.

    1. I can't believe I didn't put that in! It's in there now. Thanks for the suggestion, Alana!

  4. I am a huge fan of modern conveniences. They have made life safer and easier for both women and men!

    Meetings, eh :) Thank you for coming up with our themes, Diane! How do you do it? Seriously, what is your secret?!

    1. I'm all for safe and easier! The medical breakthroughs alone would fill volumes!
      Themes? Actually, I think of what I want to write and make you two do the same! ;)

  5. You are so clever! I think we take our modern conveniences for granted sometimes. Life was so much harder before they were invented.

  6. I go back often to the things we did not have when I was growing up. Air-conditioning, for a while a clothes dryer--though hanging out in warm weather was fun. How did my mom do it as she had to type insurance policies most days to support us and hang the laundry.

    1. I look back in awe at my mother and grandmother. The things they accomplished with what they had?! Astonishing!

  7. Meetings? Shudder. I am looking forward to the skilled participants take.
    And love your tribute to mod-cons.

  8. Diane, only you could decide to do a poem on dishwashers, toilet paper and solar panels! It gave me a smile and made me realize how much I take for granted!

    1. I can just imagine life without toilet paper. The lowliest of inventions. And the most important! ;)

  9. That was amazing...and educational at the same time! Loved it.

  10. Jeans! What would we ever do without jeans, and the machines to wash them.
    Excellent poem and I learnt from it too.

    1. I sure learned a lot. I went to a site that gave a list of inventions by year. Yow!

  11. wow ,what brilliant poetry .
    lovely rhythm and wonderful thoughts!
    truly enjoyed your poetic conversation over the advance world my friend!
    keep up the delightful job

  12. Great poem! I love poetry and write it over on my blog too. Mod cons are fab, but when I have to pull my teen off the Xbox (after three hours) I tend to think that there are some we could've done without lol!!


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