Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mom Stories

From a story I found in Mom's journals.
For my straight-laced Mom, I'm as surprised as you are . . .

The boss walked in.
All sound in the office ceased as his employees paused in their work to give him their usual cheerful greeting.
(Yes, it was that kind of office.)
As he walked past, person after person called out to him.
But he kept his eyes down and answered none.
For a normally cheerful and effusive boss, this wasn't at all like him.
His employees looked at each other.
Finally, his assistant got to his feet. "Something must be wrong," he announced to the others. "I'll go see." He knocked once at the closed door, then, without waiting for a response, entered.
"Everything okay, Boss?" he asked.
His boss sank with a groan into his leather chair. "No," he said. He leaned forward and put his head into his hands. "I've got the worst headache!"
His assistant moved closer. "I'm so sorry to hear that." He paused and pursed his lips thoughtfully, tapping them with one finger. "You know a couple of days ago, I had a terrible headache, too."
The boss lifted his head just enough to peep out at his assistant with one eye. "Yeah? What did you do?"
"I went home to my wife." The man smiled. "She kissed and cuddled me. One thing led to another and suddenly, I had no more headache!"
"Hmmm." The boss got to his feet. "That might be worth a try." He reached for his hat. "Would your wife be home now?"


  1. That's a good one indeed, thanks for the humour. Greetings!

  2. Smiling here. Broadly. That poor helpful assistant.

  3. I love it! Isn't it a shock when we realize our parents are JUST LIKE US ...

    1. I SO agree! She kept this pretty close to her vest . . .

  4. I'm shocked! I can't believe that is from your MOM'S journals! What a wonderful gift to have. Probably one of your most cherished possessions.

    1. I read it. Then thought: Mom? Apparently there were hidden depths . . .

  5. That’s a good story indeed. It’s great that your mom can see humor even in this confusing situation. I love humorous situations at work. They make the day in the office not so dull and cloudy. The story is so well-written that the author could even write the best resume writing hacks for moms to help job searching moms out there. Thanks for this brilliant post and for the chance to comment. I will be looking forward to more stories from you and your mom.


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