Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Welcome Christmas!

Five years ago, we welcomed Christmas . . .

Last night, we invited a bunch of the grandkids over to help Gramma and Grampa bring in Christmas.
It was . . . fun.
Though many of said grandkids suffer from an extremely short attention span.
We did manage to get the tree up, largely due to the efforts of one daughter-in-law.
And decorated.
Gramma was over digging through the boxes.
Alternately exclaiming and wiping tears.
As always, getting out the decorations is a trip down memory lane.
Old and fragile works of art made by little fingers from as long as thirty-five years ago.
Many no longer able to be safely hung on the tree, but enjoyed only from their places of refuge.
For example, popcorn on a string doesn't last.
Just FYI.
I love Christmas!
This is what we finally managed to accomplish . . .
Gramma's Village

You can't see them all, but there are 22 stockings there. And more on the way . . .

What's Christmas without a mantel . . .

. . . or Santa's laundry?
Christmas Buddies                      
And just because we're Tolleys (Yeah, I don't get it either . . .)

And the main event!

And then I got to sleep with Santa!

Don't you just love Christmas?!
Gearing up to do the same tonight.
Wish us luck . . .


  1. Good Luck. I love the stockings. The Elf that keeps up with the family needs a raise!

  2. Wow, so much accomplished. I think your daughter in law is due for a raise. Or free babysitting.

  3. Beautiful! And good luck - all those little ones make for chaos but what lovely chaos :)

    (And you even have candy-cane sheets - very Christmassy!)

  4. You are so ready for these amazing events. I have only taken down my autumn decorations, but you are inspiring me.

  5. I am in such a hurry for Christmas to start. I was even impatient with the stores because they didn't get things out when I thought they should. Now you have reassured me. Christmas is going to come! Thank you.


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