Monday, December 4, 2017

South 'Escher'ton Common

In Edmonton, there is a place
That used to be a field.
Where once stood crops, now people race
And stores have been revealed.

It saves us from the ‘Downtown’ crowd;
            The spinning, seething mob.
The commute long, the sirens loud,
            Where people weave and bob.

‘South Edmonton Common’ is its name,
            And it can cure your ills,
‘S for buying things of every fame,
            From basic through to ‘frills’.

But though it has a lot of stores
            In its quarter-section size,
It’s also known for something more -
            Its streets. I will apprise:

Straight streets? A few, I will admit,
            But mostly curved, you’ll find.
The unfamiliar driver sits,
            Or drives like one is blind.

With curves and twists to stupefy,
            And blocks and blocks contrived,
You’ll wish you were a bird, that flies,
            So you can sight. Then dive.

Though there’s beauty - bright, serene,
            With tons of treasures hid,
What truly needles me is this:
What’s wrong with a grid?!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin,
With gentle thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Now post our poems for you to see.

And when you’ve read what we have brought,
Did we help? Or did we not . . .

And next week, from my friends, and me, 
Our Happiest Family Memory!


  1. It's slightly easier to get in and out now that they've finished all the entries/exits. Emphasis on 'slightly'...

  2. Must make it difficult to find your car again.

    1. I'm convinced that's what the alarm/beeper is for . . .

  3. 3 rights and you are back in business. Grids are great but ... Just read that roundabouts are safer, not sure in my experience than a stop sign!

    1. Stop signs only work if you . . stop . . .
      So, not here! :)

  4. Grids are so much better!! I agree :)

    Okay, I thought shopping was bad here . . . if I had to drive in South Edmonton Common I just wouldn't.

    1. I turn the wheel over to those wise heads who actually LIKE to drive! :)

  5. P. S. Looking forward to next week's theme - you are very good at choosing. I was trying to think up some topics and couldn't get beyond trees, snow (not universal at this time of year) and, for some reason, fur. FUR?? What kind of topic is that?? I have no idea where it came from. If I have any others, I'll lob them your way, but . . .

  6. Escher was an amazing artist, but how I would have hated to live in his head. Or world.


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