Friday, February 23, 2018

I'm a Nut

I guess it comes as no surprise that I love stories about family.
And having a treasure trove like my parents' and grandparent's (and a few others) journals is a true treasure trove for me.
But today, the picture's the thing.
Though 'family' is still the theme!
Years ago, when Husby was in school and I was still a new twig in the Tolley family tree, I scratched my head for projects every time Christmas came around.
Something inexpensive.
And something fairly easy.
I crocheted blankets.
Cross-stitched pictures.
And you have to know that these were things I had never before done in my life!
And really wasn't good at.
Well, recently, in a box of things given to Husby and me after his mother passed away, I found several of the gifts I had made for her over the years.
The memories were thick about me.
This is one.
My favourite, made the year I joined the family.
And FYI, when I gave it to my MIL, the family voted me the nut.
Go figure.
It's not a plaque. It's memories.


  1. Now that is funny!! You were an ingenious nut, though :)

    Sounds like your Husby's mom's passing may have been recent; if so, please accept my condolences. It's hard to go through a loved one's things, but finding this gift kept for so long must have lifted your spirits a little.

  2. So they had you pegged right from the start eh?

  3. I love that thing! They sure did know you well.

  4. beautiful work :) and what attention to detail! I admire and congratulate



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