Sunday, February 25, 2018

One Last Word

Recently, Husby and I made the 'Snowbird' decision to spend some of the GREAT CANADIAN WINTER (Deliberately capitalized because . . . yikes!) somewhere warm.
We had had an unusually busy November and December and were feeling . . . run down.
The thought of the darkest/coldest part of the winter made us feel tired.
Just that.
Thus, the decision to follow the sun.
We wandered about in unusual places, hearing strongly accented English and French in delightfully cadenced tones.
We shopped.
Ate way too much.
And we floated in blue-green Caribbean water.
The two of us returned six weeks later renewed.
This morning I was reading an article about the benefits of salt water.
Natural salt water.
And I quote:
Salt water is said to benefit your skin in the following eleven ways:
  • Closes open pores
  • Soaks up excess oil
  • Balances oil production
  • Kills acne-causing bacteria
  • Diminishes scars
  • Heals scrapes and cuts
  • Exfoliates dead skin cells
  • Restores skin’s natural pH
  • Improves skin barrier function
  • Enhances hydration
  • Reduces inflammation
I would add one more:
Floating in Natural Salt Water for extend periods of time restores . . . everything.
I highly recommend it.
That is all.
Tolley Beach. So-named because there was literally no one else there!

Happily salt-encrusted Snowbirds.


  1. I need a vacation like yours! I am heading to the mtns for a few days next month. Holding my breath until then!

    1. I love the mountains! Take a deep breath when you're there!

  2. The water in some places is such a breathtaking shade of green-blue - looks like yours was just like that! I'm so glad you had a rejuvenating trip. And weeks and weeks less of winter :)

    1. I always expect that photos have been retouched. Turns out the water really is that shade! Less winter is always good! :)

  3. Sounds good. Sounds real good. My husband and I were able to spend about 10 days in January in Florida, but it was their winter - it even got below freezing once - but the green plants and lack of snow on the ground were exactly what we needed. Your trip sounds so goooooooood.

    1. Yikes. It freezes in Florida? I'll move my Florida visit to the 'summer' side of my bucket list!

  4. I can vouch for all of those points having lived very close to a beach all of my childhood and being in the water almost every day from mid-spring to winter, when it was definitely too cold. The one thing it didn't benefit was my hair which was sun and salt bleached to straw consistency until I was about 15 and discovered hair conditioner.

    1. Hair conditioner. The little bit of magic in all our lives!


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