Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Mad March

With gusty winds and snow that doesn’t quit.
The segue month that most love (not one bit).
That gusty month of March, we call it ‘mad’.
But mad or not, it’s the best month that we’ve had.
‘Cause in March a lot of great things found a patent,
All neatly filed in English, French or Latin . . .
In 1790 we got our first shoelaces,
And '94’s cotton gin improved workplaces,
Dry cleaned clothes? Yes, 1821,
And ‘41’s cornstarch made cooking fun.
In ’45 our honored rubber band,
In ’76 the phone was very grand,
The earmuff came along in ’77,
An ‘83 shoes-last thing? Cobbling heaven.
In 1895 some strange machines,
Moved entertainment fun from stage to screen.
An electric player piano—’99,
With the needed aspirin following close behind.
1902, they mass-produced our glass,
The Kewpie Doll in ’10 was such a gas.
A diver’s suit for ‘Harry’ in ’21,
And ‘Who’s on First in ’44? Number one.
The first fax sent? The year was ’55,
In ’59 the ‘maser’ came alive.
‘Twas followed by the laser, one year hence,
In ’63, the hula hoop was immense.
There are a whole lot more that I have missed,
I simply hadn’t room upon this list.
‘Mad’ scientists invented one and all,
The patents came in March. The best of all!

Karen asks, "Write for me, please?"
We write because she's our Big Cheese,
And we love her, you know that is true,

So this is what we writers do . . .

We craft a poem based on a theme,
With pencils, sharp, and eyes agleam,
Or at a 'puter screen, we stare,
Whilst sitting in our underwear,
(Okay, you're right, that is just me,
But, tell me, does it sound carefree?)
Each month we write and have such fun
We can't wait for another one,
Now this month, how well did I do?
Please go and see the others, too.

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: March Madness
Dawn of Cognitive Script: Mad As A Hatter: March Madness
Jules of The Bergham Chronicles: Mad, Mad World


  1. I will never look at March the same again!
    And thanks for the love, ❤ you back. Thanks for another fun poetry month!

    1. All I could think of was Mad Scientists. And the only mad scientist I could think of was Doc from the Back to the Future franchise. Yeah. I was pretty stumped for a while . . .

  2. Great things to love about March..which I needed because frankly March is THE worst month of the year.

  3. Here March is not too bad. There are signs that the sweaty season is leaving, the trees are changing colour, and nights are cool enough to sleep.
    Goodness the inventors are busy though.

    1. March is the start of your 'fall', isn't it. The best time of the year!

  4. Your last poem made me laugh! Your first poem was very intuitive!

  5. And where would we be without those things?? Amazing minds! And a great poem to remember them by.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I was especially intrigued by how long the old rubber band had been around!

  6. How fun is this? A poem and history lesson in one!! Well done


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