Thursday, March 15, 2018

Pi Day 2018

And it ends for another year.
Can't believe it's come and gone so soon.
But we have the memories.
And the crumbs . . .
Getting started . . .

75 pies this year. 75. Yow.

And afterward . . .
Yes, it's a lot of work. My eldest daughter and I figure it took about 8 hours to roll and bake all those pies. Which gave us a chance to visit. And visit.
And roll pies.
And visit.
(Just FYI, her pie crust has officially surpassed mine.)
But it's so worth it!
A chance to get together with people we love.
And eat pie.
It's a perfect world.


  1. What a delightful time! We loved visiting with everyone we could and eating pie! You rock! Love, Chris

    1. And so glad you could come. Of course, you didn't eat nearly enough . . .

  2. I didn't have pie, but I did think of you, Diane! Your blog was the first place I ever heard of Pi(e) Day! Seventy-five pies is a BIG celebration :)

  3. I am awed at the effort. And love that you enjoyed it.

  4. I still remember when I first told you about Pi Day. You realized it was a great way to continue Pie Nights, and as an added plus, your home doesn't turn into a pie scented sauna from all the baking!

    Hooray for cooler Canadian climate!
    And pie!

  5. I thought about making pies, if that means anything. There's no way I could turn out 75 though. I have enough trouble with the few dozen miniature pies I do at Christmas.
    It would be a different story altogether if I had enough counter space.


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