Monday, April 2, 2018


Computer terms, most farmers find a challenge to get through.
So here is a tutorial. It’ll help you all to see,
Just what these crazy terms should mean to you and also me . . .

Log on: is something you should do to make the homestead warm.
Log off: Watch out! The tree is chopped and falling. (Could cause harm.)
Mega Hertz: When you’re not careful as you fetch the wood.
Lap top: Cat’s ‘purr-ferred’ sleeping place where all is well and good
Hard drive: Maneuv’ring vehicles through mud or rocky ground.
Windows: Those are what you shut when snow is all around.
Byte: Is what mosquitoes do, those pesky little fiends.
Modem: Work at haying time when fields are being gleaned.
Keyboard: Something near the door where all the keys are hung.
Mouse: Those critters in the barn you’re forced to live among.
Then ‘Random Access Memory’ or RAM, ‘cause sure enough,
It’s when you can't remember any of this awful stuff.

So there you have it and you know the ‘country’ explanation,
Now can you understand us farmers’ up-to-date frustration?

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin,
With gentle thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Now post our poems for you to see.
And when you’ve read what we have brought,
Did we help? Or did we not . . .

Next week, just watch us as we dance,
When we three tackle ignorance!


  1. I needed a good laugh this afternoon! Thanks for this!

  2. These definitions are excellent and so funny, Diane! I had to ponder "modem" for a minute :)

    "Ignorance" has been duly noted as next week's topic - thank you!

  3. P. S. The farmer in the Dell is hilarious :)

  4. Diane this is awesome. Thanks so much. I read every one and loved the use of the terms.

  5. It is not yet dawn here, and the smiles are very welcome. Thank you.

  6. A poet I am not. But I use a computer some 8 to 10 hours a day - I'd rather be entertained by your "definitions". Well done!

    1. I spend far, far too much time staring at my computer. I needed this! :)

  7. That was so clever Diane - it took me a moment to realize you weren't just creating new definitions, you were rhyming them too!


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