Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Pretty Purple Ball

In my defense . . .
Okay, I have no defense.
Sometimes ignorance is just comical . . .
It was a treasured wedding gift. A beautiful, purple blanket.
The kind that squeaks when you squeeze its folds.
I’m sure you all know what I talking about. When you got to a store and all the blankets are there, neatly folded, on display. And you squeeze the corners to see if they squeak?
Okay, well I do.
And some of them do.
Squeak, I mean.
I had no idea this was an indicator that the blanket was 100% pure wool.
No idea at all.
I just knew the squeaky ones were very warm and cuddly. (See above.)
Soooo . . . purple blanket . . .
It had served as the main source of warmth (apart from Husby, who is a percolator) on our double bed for a couple of years.
When we upgraded to a queen size, sadly, the blanket no longer fit.
In the changeover, I decided Mr. Blanket needed a wash.
And yes, I know we should probably read tags.
Well I do now at any rate.
Into the washing machine and set to ‘warm’. (I’m not a complete ignoramus. I do know that very few things should be washed on ‘hot’.)
Okay, I’m a complete ignoramus.
A while later, I pulled from the washer a perfect ball of purple wool.
Only those of you who have witnessed this know just how matted real wool can get when It’s been stuffed into a washer.
Several feeling washed through me.
Shock. Dismay.
I managed to stretch it out and it functioned as a child’s drag-me-around TV blanket for several years.
But its days of real usefulness were at an end.
I’d like to say I learned something from this.
Woefully . . .
In my defense, I did read the tag on Husby’s sweater.
Mine was identical and I thought they were the same.
The story continues.
Sigh . . .


  1. I can sympathize. I did this with a favorite sweater. It can now, possibly, if I pull on it hard enough, fit on a doll. {{Sigh}}

  2. Oh no! I can honestly say I've never shrunk anything wool. But that's only because we can't wear wool in this household, so there was no chance to ruin anything. Rayon, on the other hand . . .

    And I didn't know wool squeaked! (Shouldn't it go "baaa"?)

  3. I didn't know about the squeaky blankets either! Have to check next time I'm in a store that sells that kind of thing.

    What a sad story!

    TQ had a nice warm wool watch cap that he accidentally put in the dryer once. It came out more of a beanie.

    1. Beanies are good. Especially when they have the little propeller on top!

  4. We all have these stories. I've done this to several sweaters. Somehow I keep thinking bad shrinkage won't happen to moi. I was wrong.

  5. Sigh. And as a dedicated reader I have NO excuse for my failures. Which I mourn.

    1. I keep trying to find someone else to blame. No dice.

  6. Most disturbing Dane..most disturbing indeed lol.

  7. I remember a bright orange jumper (sweater) that got similar treatment and afterwards my doll got to wear it.

    1. Our lucky dolls. My red sweater is one one as we speak.


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