Saturday, April 28, 2018

Selective Correcting

Spelling is her strong suit.
As my editor, it’s kind of a necessity.
But I caught her!
Maybe I should explain . . .
My daughter (and said editor) was to be part of a program to collect data for a health study.
This involved bloodwork.
And the drawing of said blood.
All was well. One by one the victims participants took their places on one of the gurneys.
And, also one by one, donated their small bit to research.
It was Daughter/Editor’s turn.
The nurse told her the process was a little painful (Medical speak for ‘it’s going to hurt like the dickens’.) The nurse’s suggestion was that D/E take her mind off it by spelling ‘Christmas’ backwards.
Backwards? D/E frowned and shrugged. “Okay.” She started in. “Ummm . . . S, A, M . . . Ow!”
A-Ha! This is the woman who corrects my spelling.
And even I know that, in no place in the word ‘Christmas’ do the letters ‘O’ or ‘W’ exist.
Finally. I get to correct her spelling!
The day is mine.


  1. Ha ha! But I think you took advantage of her at a weak moment, Diane :)

  2. Well, I think maybe, just maybe mind you, if someone was hurting me while I tried to spell Christmas backwards I might just have inserted an OW int the mix.

  3. Out here they say "just a little sting now" and there's no suggestion of anything to take your mind off it.


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