Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Little Balls of Yummy-ness

Twice a week, and sometimes more, the wonderful aroma of freshly-baked bread wafted through the Stringam home.
It was followed, almost immediately, by the sight of children munching great slices of fresh yumminess, thickly spread with fresh butter.
I wasn't one of them.
Oh, I loved Mom's bread.
It was amazing.
And I definitely was munching.
But I chose a unique - ie. weird - way of doing it.
Often to be followed by my Mom saying, “Diane! I work hard to make perfectly good, soft bread! Why do you do that to it?!”
She said this because . . . I squished it.
Into a tight little ball.
Which I - then - ate.
Mom would watch, in disgust, as I took my slice of freshly-baked awesomeness.
Quickly peeled off and ate the crust.
Pressed and molded the rest.
Then nibbled.
I have no idea why I did this.
Maybe it was because I had seen the screen cowboys eating little balls of bread out of their saddlebags.
Okay, it looked like little balls of bread.
I didn't realize that what they were eating was, in fact, biscuits.
I wasn't known for my powers of observation and deduction.
Ahem . . .
I no longer eat bread this way.
There are a couple of drawbacks.
The biggest one being that it's rather hard to spread any significant amount of peanut butter and/or nutella on a tightly pressed ball of dough.
And, let's face it, bread is just the medium by which such things are ingested.
And, in a choice between eating balls of dough or getting nutella to the mouth?
Even the cowboys would agree with me.


  1. You conjured up a memory of my Mom....she would make herself a cheese whiz sandwich and then squeeze it one tiny bit at a time thin and flat nibble it off and do it again. No idea why...she just did and you just made me think of it.

  2. Our daughter did this with bread when she was growing up. Strange, we humans! But not alone :)

  3. We are a strange lot. My youngest brother liked cheese sandwhiches, without bread. Slice of cheese, butter and another slice of cheese. And for many years I only ate mayonnaise on toast for breakfast. My mother's home-made mayonnaise.

    1. Oops on the spelling front. Please forgive me. Brain not engaged this morning.

  4. My Mom did not bake bread, but we lived some three or four blocks from a commercial bakery. She would buy day old loaves, and I - yes, I would squish the white bread into little balls and eat it. I had totally forgotten!

  5. How about little balls of bread on a fork and dipped in softened Nutella? Mmmm.


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