Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Nose Knowing

Still in a rhyming mood.
For my grandkids on this Tuesday morning . . .

Mildred, my friend, has a nose that is great.
Not bulging. Or curving. Or big as a plate!
Not crooked. Or flattened. Or shaped like a bean.
The most beautiful nose that you ever have seen.

Can't say it's large. A potato, A gourd.
A crooked ol' carrot. An acorn. A board.
And it’s not like a flower, a rose or a lili,
Yes, nothing to ever make Mildred look silly.

It is shapely and small. In reality – fair.
The grandest appendage to ever draw air.
Fine-boned and slender. With rose petal skin.
The kind that can always draw everyone in.

But with all of its beauty, her friends still make fun.
They laugh and they tease. They catcall and run.
But why with such beauty for them to sightsee,
Would they tease their friend harshly to such a degree?

Because Mildred, oh, she of the wonderful nose.
The beauty, perfection. The colour called 'rose'.
Well there's something about her that I've not disclosed.
Something, about which you need to be told.

Though our Mildred is all she could possibly be,
A good friend and clever. And kind as can be.
Yes, Mildred has one little secret to hold.
Our Mildred's an elephant, truth to be told.
Now there’s something that you need to learn ‘fore you’re older,
That you find the beauty, when you’re the beholder.
And when seeing someone who is different than you,
Remember sweet Mildred and all she’s gone through.

P.S. If you think that Mildred's true story's a gaffe,
You should hear about Harold, the short-necked giraffe.
Painted by the uber-talented Jessica Tolley!


  1. This is wonderful ! When is the poetry book for children coming out?

  2. Darn I was wrong, I was guessing Mildred was a pig. LOVE the moral of your story.

  3. Diane, Doctor Seuss could've used you! Love your poems. They're so charming.

  4. Poor Mildred. Here's hoping her nose is simply a "late developer".


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