Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Blowing My Own Horn

Yet another Diane Stringam Tolley novel has hit the shelves (so to speak!).
Tom, Becoming, my first romance in over a decade,  has . . . become.

Thomas Burroughs is a vicious businessman.
Measuring himself only by his financial successes and his overweening ambitions, Thomas eschews friendships and family to feed this one desire.
To his business associates, he is a force to follow. At a discrete distance.
To his family, someone to be avoided.
Then a simple wooden award, tossed unheeding into the trash, sets Thomas on a different path.
Can someone who has lived his life only for gain . . . change?
Truly change?
Then, faced with the decision to live as he was or die as he has become . . .
Well, what would you choose?

My first review is in and what a sweet one!
5 stars!
Thomas has everything and it's not enough. Mean and petty just because he can be, Thomas has so much he doesn't have the capacity to know he doesn't have what matters most. A beautifully written story, an easy read but you'll want to savor every word. Perfect for Book Club because there is much to explore. Keep a box of tissues near by and be prepared to feel your heart swell. As Thomas Becomes, you will be moved in ways only very special stories have the power to do. Treat yourself and read this, slowly.

Tom, Becoming is a piece of my heart and my soul. 
My take on whether or not a man can change.
I hope you'll give Tom a read!


  1. Diane, You are a force to be reckoned with! Daily blogging and several novels. So inspiring and hope to be just like you someday!

  2. Congratulations, Diane! It sounds like a wonderful book of hopefulness. We can certainly all use some of that today.

  3. Congratulations! (This was such a good sales lead in, too!)

  4. Congratulations! How exciting! Sounds fascinating!

  5. Congratulations. It does sound like a great book.


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