Monday, November 26, 2018

Tut. Tut.

This day, in 1922,
Carter entered King Tut’s tomb,
And found a treasure there disclosed,
Though the king was, sadly, decomposed.
3000 years. The artifacts,
Had escaped the robbers’ pacts,
And led to golden knowledge, true,
Amazing facts for me. And you.
But I wonder as these details, read,
If you filled a room with all my needs,
Then buried me and all my stuff,
Then waited for just long enough,
3000 years. Or give a few…
Would I then be worth something, too?

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we three besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So Jenny and Delores, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week please join us on this spot,
We'll talk of GIFTS that we have got!


  1. You succeeded in your objective to make me smile and have pleasant thoughts! I don't think all my riches sealed up with me even for 3,000 years would amount to much!

  2. I think my junk will still be junk 3000 years from now :D

    Well done, Diane; well done!

    "Gifts" - ooooohhh, good topic!

  3. Whoever said 'you can't take it with you' was wrong. Even if it did get taken away again later.

    1. Ooh! Can't you just picture the mummified King Tut sitting up and shouting at everyone: "That's mine!!!"

  4. Food for thought, Diane! Maybe even a commoner back then would've had fascinating things for us to see.

    1. Totally true! I've seen archeologists wax poetic over a broken pottery bowl! :)

  5. I think any tomb raider would be sadly disappointed in my lack of "stuff" if they dug me up. At least they wouldn't all die early from a curse - there's always a price to be paid for hoarding stuff!

    1. Yikes! It's a hoarder's curse--Not a Pharaoh's curse! We should have known...

  6. You don't need to wait 3000 years Diane. Right now you are worth plenty, to all of us out here reading.


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