Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Admit it. You want some . . .
Cookies. The ultimate in snack foods. That perfect balance of sugars, grains, fats, and deliciousness. And the most unique and perfect forum for getting small, semi-disguised chunks of chocolate into your mouth.
Chocolate that you can savour but dismiss as insignificant when tallying your calorie count at day's end.
Or at least I can.
I love cookies. And I make the mistake of baking them on a regular basis.
Call me a glutton for punishment.
Or just a glutton - the shoe fits. (Or did, before I started making cookies.) But I digress . . .
My six children have been raised on my cookies. Mostly with some form of chocolate as a noteworthy ingredient. They love those small handfuls of pure perfection as much as I do.
But life, and reality, tend to sneak up on you and smack you soundly, just when you aren't paying attention. And so it was with my cookie consumption.
I was going merrily along, enjoying my cookie-filled life until, one day, I dragged my favourite and freshly-washed jeans out of the drawer . . . and couldn't do them up.
Now I know this has happened to many of us, and certainly is nothing new, but it was a first time for me.
And it made me . . . unhappy.
To make matters worse, which we all try to do far too often, I decided to step on the scale.
I should note here, that the person who invented the scale, and non-stretchy clothes, was a nasty, evil individual. But again, I digress . . .
I had to make some changes.
Or buy a new wardrobe.
Finances won. Losing weight was in order. And the first thing to go was my mostly-cookie diet.
I baked one last batch . . . and started eating them as though they constituted my last meal on earth.
Finally, heroically, I put the lid on the still-half-full cookie jar and left the room.
But they . . . called to me.
Cookies do that.
Finally, I could stand it no longer. I answered that call.
I went back into the kitchen and discovered that my beloved cookie jar . . . was empty.
At first, dismay. Then, relief.
"Who ate all the cookies?"
From somewhere in the house, my daughter, Tiana's voice, "Tristan!"
Also from the nether regions of said house, my son, Tristan's voice, "Sorry!"
Me. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, Tristan! I could hug you! I just couldn't leave the silly things alone!"
A pause, then my daughter's voice, "Tiana."
The cookie doesn't fall far from the tree.

Today is National Cookie Day.
I know. A well-deserved honour.
So a group of us decided this special day needed...commemoration.
You've read my effort.
Now go and visit my friends...
You'll be glad you did!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Chocolate Mint Slice and Bake Cookies for National Cookie Day Dawn of Spatulas On Parade: Lemon Meringue Cookies for National Cookie Day Lydia of Cluttered Genius: Let it Go


  1. LOL yes, that is one thing I am thankful for, my guys will not leave the cookies until they have consumed them all. So I eat one, two maybe three and guaranteed in a little while, the temptation is gone.

  2. Fortunately my sweet tooth is largely savoury. Though chocolate...

    1. So right, EC. Chocolate is in a category of its own! :)

  3. All while the kids were growing up I'd be lucky to try a bite of anything chocolate. Now they're not around as much and I'm thinking I may need those stretchy clothes!

  4. I pick cookies over cake or pie anytime. Ice Cream is number 1 in my favorite dessert than a cookie. Brownies, officially a bar cookie, and ice cream together is heaven. Since I am so gaga over my said sweets I can not keep them in the house because I can't be trusted!

  5. I had the non-buttoning jeans moment about three years ago and immediately decided I should lose twenty or thirty pounds. Ha Ha. Didn't happen and I still can't wear the jeans, although the gap between button and buttonhole is slightly smaller.

    1. You're on the right track, River! I wish I was on the same one!

  6. If I'd known it was National Cookie Day, I'd have baked some!!

    Probably just as well . . .

    1. Yeah. Baking generally is followed by eating. Sigh. (See above.)

  7. If things sit too long on the counter, I take care of them, you know, for the sake of all the people :)


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