Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What We Do

I love this time of year!
Hannukkah, the Festival of Lights from December 2 to the 10.
Christmas, which can last anywhere from July to January, but officially begins in our house around the first of December.
Kwanzaa from December 26 to January 1.
It truly is the season of celebration.
The very best of times.
For just a short time, goodwill and love for each other abound. Acts of kindness are everywhere.
And I feel that mankind and I are one.
Husby and I get into the spirit of the season in a large way.
We play Santa and Mrs. throughout.
This year, our visits actually began in October. (Yeah. What I said about the blurred start and end times for Christmas...)
And we couldn't be happier.
Greeting families. Seeing the sparkle in the children's eyes.
And the widening of those same eyes when the idea of Santa crashes headlong into reality.
Just FYI: Santa is really big.
And hairy.
And scary.
Aaaand... maybe I'll just sit with Mrs. Santa, thank you.
I can't think of anything we enjoy more.
Photo Credit: Kimberley Laakso Photography

Photo Credit: The Little Things Photography Studio 

Photo Credit: The Little Things Photography Studio

Photo Credit: Funtime Express Entertainment


  1. What an adorable Santa couple! I love how you look on this season, Diane. Its a time to give thanks for another year gone by, filled with family, friends, and gratitude.

  2. I agree, a totally adorable Santa couple. Although the children were cute, I enjoyed the next to last photo the best. What lovely smiles!

  3. Those little ones are so adorable. Santa and Mrs Santa are equally adorable. it's a good thing you have winter at Christmas. Imagine wearing those outfits in our summer heat!

    1. Oh, River, I can only imagine! Santa has a difficult time now! ;)

  4. You and your husband are wonderful in your roles. You look the part completely, and, knowing your outlook on life and little people, I know you inhabit the part completely, too. Have fun; you are doing a good thing.


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