Saturday, August 31, 2019


Okay...somewhere, there are cables...
It’s once again our week in Banff National Park.
Our 29th year.
We’ve spent the time hiking. (Sulphur Mountain. Fenland Park. Cascade Pond. Etc….)
Getting a little too much sun.
Playing card games.
And sleeping in a wee bit too long and eating way too much.
In one word: Glorious.
Today, we were doing our family hike around Minnewanka Lake.
We had climbed rock formations.
Posed for pictures at the edge of the lake.
Dodged trees in a free flight game of ‘tag’.
Munched on nuts and granola bars.
Talked and laughed.
And chased toddlers and/or Grandpa. As a little aside, just guess who was easier to catch . . .
Moving on . . .
We were stopped beside one of the boat docks.
Several small, sleek craft were floating peacefully in the blue-green water.
On the other side of the barrier where we stood, several large rings were bolted securely to the rocky edge of the lake.
Rings which, themselves, were fastened to long cables that stretched into the water and out of our sight.
10-year-old grandson turned to his father, our eldest son. “Dad,” he asked. “What are those cables for?”
Now, I’m pretty sure I know what I would have said. Something along the lines of “anchors to boats” or similar. And boring.
This is what his dad said: “Those cables are what are keeping the lake there, Son. If they didn’t chain it down, who knows where it would end up. Why some lakes have even been known to climb the sides of the mountains. We just can’t have that. So we chain them down to keep everyone happy.”
His son stared at him for a long time.
I’m pretty sure the laughter of his Grandfather and I and all the other adults and sub-adults standing nearby pretty much gave things away.
But he nodded.
And changed the subject.
For just a moment, I was transported back to the days when his father was his age and asked his father a question.
Receiving an equally hilarious, albeit ludicrous answer.
What’s that saying about acorns and trees?
Oh, and if you’re wondering about those cables? Just keep wondering . . .

A lizard on a rock. A really, really cute lizard.

Our intrepid crew.

A tiny little pixie we caught scaling the mountain.
Again the crew...
The lake really was interesting. Really.


  1. LOL! It's hereditary :)

    Sound like a wonderful week for your family!

  2. Precious memories. My father was prone to embellishments like that too. And kept a very straight face. I believed some of them for years and there are probably falsehoods I still accept as truth...

    1. That made me laugh out loud! Oh, the things I hung onto for over fifty years!

  3. I've been wondering, myself. So THAT'S what those cables are for.

  4. Heeheehee! There's nothing like having a family that could be its own comedy club.

    1. A sense of humour smoothes out almost all life's bumps, doesn't it, Mimi?

  5. I'm so glad I was able to go to Banff last year. It must be amazing to be able to go there every year. Dads are great at telling tall tales. Mine was too.

    1. We LOVE Banff, Rebecca! Dads are the best, aren't they?!

  6. Water, trees, rocks to climb. Who wouldn't love such an area?


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