Monday, September 2, 2019

Summer FUN

Okay, picture us four just a couple of years older...

One summer Daddy bought a ranch
He thought it’d give us kids a chance
To prove that we could ‘git ‘er done’,
And maybe e’en fit in some fun!

My oldest sis was seven-and-ten,
She ruled the household, fed the men,
By which I mean, our brothers, two,
And 10-year me to round the crew.

We four rode horses, tended cows,
Learned of mowers, rakes and plows,
Then hunted rattlesnakes in pens,
And made them into sculptures then.

Each evening when the work was done,
And supper gorged by everyone,
Over card games, laughed and cried,
‘Till morning brought us back outside.

That summer passed, as summers do,
Dad sold the ranch. We said ‘Adieu!’,
I happily packed my small suitcase,
And we returned to the home place.

But through the years, as I look back,
At ‘work-all-day’ then ‘hit-the-sack’,
The things we learned while we were young?
It was the best of ‘Summer Fun’!

Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts--perhaps a grin?
So all of us together, we,
Have posted poems for you to see.
Now go and see what they have done
I'm sure it will be lots of fun!
And now you've seen what we have brought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next Week, our Jenny is in charge.
About 'Bodies of Water', we'll enlarge...


  1. This sounds like an awful load of fun. And I love your poetry skills.

  2. That summer fun sounds like a two-for-one, an excellent learning experience and family bonding too. The best way to learn!

    1. We always did things in a group. Or herd. The very best of memories!

  3. Aaah. Lovely, then and in your memory bank.

  4. Every child should have such a chance, i think it would make a great difference in the world.

  5. The poem perfectly describes the experience and fun.


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