Monday, December 16, 2019

On Time

Time moves at different speeds, it is an actual fact,
Faster when your happy and your day is packed,
But slower when you’re stuck through something tedious,
Like when your babe won’t sleep and making quite a fuss.

As a child, time seemed to move at sluggish speeds,
The time ‘tween Christmas seasons left me rather keyed
Up about the time it took in getting there,
It took FOREVER and it simply wasn’t fair!

And when we sat in church to listen faithfully,
I was astonished at how slow the time would be,
 I’m sure that wretched clock was ticking different,
And time moved on like it was swimming through cement.

At school too, the time, it hung and didn’t move,
It really didn’t care how much I disapproved,
But ticked along the minutes at a snail’s pace,
And I was stuck there in my stupid desk’s embrace!

But strangely, when my friends and I were on the run,
Moving through the day (and games) and having fun,
It seemed an eye blink. Time was, in an instant, gone,
And Mom was shouting from the back door, “Supper’s on!”

But now I find all time seems to just disappear,
I barely start my day and then the evening’s here,
And even things that drag are, in a moment, done,
And projects finished that I’ve only just begun.

But, you know, it doesn’t matter if it’s fast or slow,
Time, that flighty spirit with its ebb and flow,
Cause I’ve been blessed to have it whether good or bad,
Forever grateful for all that I have. And had.

 Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin,
With gentle thoughts, perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see,
And now you read what we have wrought...
Did we help?
Or did we not?
Mother Owl
Merry Mae

Next week, because the time is here,
We'll talk about this time of year!


  1. If I was watching the time correctly, it appeared to me that you were late launching your Time poem. If I calculated right you were the last to post. You will be forgiven this time, but next time there will be a penalty for being late!

  2. Oh yes, an hour is not an hour. And I agree, the days are getting shorter, blame global warming ... or not ;)

  3. I love this! In certain situations I still will look at the clock and then check on my wrist or phone that it is correct because it feels like time has not moved! Of course this happens at the dentist or doctor's office or at the DMV or some other less than pleasant appointment.

    1. Why can't our happy times move glacially? It's just not fair!

  4. Truth.
    And despite the fact that our days are getting longer at the moment I am constantly amazed at just how fast they fly. And wonder where they have gone.

  5. Hah! We took almost the same approach this week, Diane, but I love your ending. I am also grateful for the time I have had. Wonderful rhymes - you are so good at this!

  6. Thanks for being creative and playful with language. It was enjoyable to observe your many unique writing choices above.

  7. So true. Even "slow" time now is faster than it used to be. Can't remember the last time I was bored, which I guess is a great gift.

    1. 'Bored'. I'm almost sure I've heard the word before . . .

  8. I remember being a little girl and how long it took to get from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Loved the poem. (Rena)

  9. Oh yes, if only I could get back all those minutes waiting for the 3pm bell to ring in school, and add them to the tail end of my life....or maybe not. I would like some of that time back right now, though. Enjoyed your poem.

    1. Even the two or three minutes before three dragged interminably!

  10. The days do not fly when you work, only when you have a day off!


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