Tuesday, December 17, 2019

One Seventy-one

On her wedding day.

It’s Christmas. I’m missing Mom...
Our Christmas house had just been decorated, but now, my perennially-busy mother was nowhere to be seen.
I entered the front room, lit only by the lights on the tree.
There she was, just sitting quietly, looking at it.
I remember those lights bathing her in a soft glow.
A different, more heavenly light is shining on her now.
How I wish I could see it!

Today is a word challenge.
Each of Karen’s followers submit a number between 12 and 74.
Those numbers are then re-distributed by our intrepid leader to each of us.
My number this month? 71
And it came from my good friend Mimi at Messymimi

Here's everyone else.
Visit them. It'll be fun!


  1. I completely blew it this month on this one! This is my first Christmas without my mom so I totally get it. It never gets easier just more familiar I guess.

    1. I still miss her every day. She's been gone 17 years! I was thinking the other day, "I haven't talked to Mom in a while! I need to phone her!" Then remembered. Sigh.

  2. I'm sorry. So many of my friends are missing their mommas this year. I miss my Daddy, a lot. He loved Christmas and was a big kid when it came to opening gifts and his stocking.

  3. Holidays and anniversaries are when we miss them most.

  4. Memories are stronger at this time of year, for sure.

  5. What a beautiful memory of your mom. She was such a lovely, special person.

    1. She really was, Laurie! I love coming across people who fondly remember her. I was at a reunion for her side of the family and people kept coming up to me and exclaiming that I looked exactly like her. I was soooo happy!

  6. Awww. It's so hard to miss the ones we love at this time.

    It sounds like once in so often she just needed that quiet moment, as we all do.

    1. I think that's why it sticks with me. She was never still. Except that once.

  7. There isn’t a day that I don’t think of my mom. She has been gone 18 years, but she, like you and your mom is always with me.

  8. I have a lovely mental image now of your mum sitting by a softly lighted tree.

    1. I didn't realize at the time what a soft, perfect memory it would become!

  9. Beautiful, Diane. I can see it, and it's brought a big lump to my throat. But isn't it wonderful that we have such a thing as a memory, where those images are safely kept . . .

    1. Yes! Such a simple memory. But it sure does stay with me!


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