Monday, January 20, 2020


It starts when first we come to earth,
A tiny human, at our birth,
That first connection to our Mom,
Then add our Dad, we’ll love him some,
And on to siblings, if they’re there,
Who for (of course) we sometimes care,
Then grandparents, yes, one or two,
And uncles, aunts and cousins, too,
At church, our brothers, sisters, friends,
Wow! These connections never end!
Our circle in our neighbourhood,
Who could be either bad or good,
Our teachers and our chums at school,
As we all learn the Golden Rule,
The roommates when we all ‘move out’,
(When dates are all we  talk about),
Then, college done, and off to work,
Where some are nice and some are jerks,
Those who share our daily grind,
Some kept and others left behind,
Then our own families that we start,
The spouses, kids who take our hearts,
And pets and Mother Earth, you bet,
Then Holy Smoke! the internet,
Countless connections bad or fun . . .
To think it started with just one.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With Poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts, perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we,
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Mother Owl
Merry Mae

Next week, it’s Jenny’s turn to say
What our topic is that day.
Stay tuned. For sure it will be fun,
Not just for us. . . For everyone!


  1. I just love these rhymes. Some of them I never would have thought of, but they always hit the spot!

  2. Perfect! I think you covered it all :)

    In case you don't get a chance to post the topic for next week, I'll do it here as well as on my blog. January 27 topic is ... DUTY!


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